Never complain about writing of destiny

Hello friends, welcome to (International Stories) in this story we will discuss Never complain about writing of destiny .Complete read this story maybe you will like this destiny story.

Never complain about writing of destiny

Never complain about writing of destiny

Story of Mahmud Ghazni:

There was a king. Whatever he said, the minister also repeated. Once the king’s finger was cut off. The minister said that there would be some improvement in it from Allah. The king was very angry that my finger was cut off and you are saying that there will be some improvement in it too.

The king imprisoned the minister, but the minister said that there would be some improvement from Allah in this too. The king also got angry.

One day the king went out of his area to hunt and went into the forest. To the forest area where people used to sacrifice one man a year. They caught the king and when they started slaughtering him, They saw the king’s finger was cut off. They left the king because we do not sacrifice a defective person. That is why they left the king.

The king came back and was very pleased with the minister and called him and said that indeed every deed of Allah is for the betterment of Allah. My finger was cut off therefore I survived. You said the same thing when I put you in jail.

What was the improvement of your imprisonment?

The minister says, “If I had not been in prison, you would have taken me on a hunt. You had cut off your finger. They would have let you go and they would have slaughtered me in your place.” There was an improvement.

Oh, man! Never complain about the writing of destiny,
You are not wise enough to understand the affairs of “ALLAH”.

Never complain never explain

“Never complain, never explain” is a saying that suggests one should not complain about their problems or circumstances and should not feel the need to provide explanations or justifications for their actions or decisions. It is often seen as a motto for maintaining a dignified and stoic demeanor in the face of adversity. The idea behind this saying is to promote a sense of self-discipline, composure, and the belief that one’s actions and character should speak for themselves.

It’s worth noting that while this saying can be seen as a way to encourage personal strength and resilience, there are situations where explaining oneself or addressing complaints may be necessary, such as in personal relationships or professional settings. The appropriateness of this saying can depend on the context.

Never complain about the writing of destiny

 People who complain all the time

People who complain all the time are often referred to as chronic complainers or “negative nellies.” These individuals have a tendency to express dissatisfaction, frustration, or unhappiness about various aspects of their lives on a regular basis. Chronic complaining can be frustrating for those around them, as it can create a negative atmosphere and drain the energy of others. Here are some potential reasons why people may complain excessively:

Habitual Behavior: Some individuals develop a habit of complaining as their default way of expressing themselves. This behavior may have developed over time and become ingrained in their personality.

Attention-Seeking: Chronic complainers may seek attention or sympathy from others by sharing their problems and grievances. They may believe that complaining is a way to connect with others and receive support.

Coping Mechanism: For some people, complaining serves as a coping mechanism to deal with stress, anxiety, or frustration. It can be a way of venting their emotions and temporarily relieving emotional tension.

Negative Outlook: Chronic complainers may have a generally pessimistic or negative outlook on life, which leads them to focus on and vocalize the negative aspects of situations.

Unresolved Issues: Some people may have unresolved issues or ongoing challenges in their lives, and complaining can be a way of expressing their dissatisfaction with these issues.

Dealing with chronic complainers can be challenging, but there are strategies that can be helpful:

Active Listening: Sometimes, people just want to be heard. Actively listen to their complaints and offer empathy and understanding without necessarily trying to solve their problems.

Encourage Solutions: If appropriate, gently guide the complainer toward finding solutions to their problems or addressing the underlying issues.

Set Boundaries: If the complaining becomes excessive and draining, it’s important to set boundaries. Let the person know that while you’re there to support them, you also need a positive and balanced interaction.

Suggest Positivity: Encourage a more positive outlook by pointing out the bright side of situations or suggesting ways to improve their circumstances.

Seek Professional Help: If chronic complaining is a symptom of deeper emotional or psychological issues, it may be necessary for the person to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor.

Remember that not all chronic complainers are alike, and the reasons for their behavior can vary. It’s important to approach each individual with empathy and understanding while also taking care of your own well-being.


This story was written only for just Information Sadqa-e-Jarea and dawah’s work. Not our purpose to waste your precious time. Your time has more important to us. Thanks for taking the time for reading this (Never complain about the writing of destiny – Never complain and never explain), Good luck, and have a good day.

The story of Mahmud Ghazni, a prominent historical figure, is directly related to the tale you’ve shared. Mahmud of Ghazni was a 10th-century ruler who was known for his military conquests in South Asia. He was the founder of the Ghaznavid Empire, which included regions in modern-day Iran, Afghanistan, and northern India.

While the story you’ve shared is an interesting anecdote, it appears to be a moral tale rather than a historical account of Mahmud Ghazni’s life. The story emphasizes the idea that one should not complain about their destiny or question the ways of Allah, as there may be hidden blessings or improvements in seemingly adverse situations.


What is the full meaning of complain?

The word “complain” does not have a full form or acronym. It is a complete word in itself, and it is used to describe the act of expressing dissatisfaction, displeasure, or grievance about something. When someone complains, they are voicing their concerns or objections about a situation, person, or thing. There is no abbreviation or acronym associated with the word “complain.”

Who burnt Ghazni?

Muiz-ud-din Muhammad bin Sam, also known as Shihabud Din, Muhammad of Ghur, and Muhammad Ghori In Ghor, Muhammad Ghori was born in the year 1149 CE. Under Sultan Alauddin, also known as Jahan-soz, the Ghurid authority grew (the world burner). In the middle of the 12th century, he burned Ghazni to the ground after pillaging it.

What does never complain never explain mean?

You should know why you shouldn’t frequently explain after learning why you shouldn’t frequently complain. You just behave accordingly by placing yourself in the position of the party you are requesting an explanation from.

What Allah says about complaining?

Complaints should be made only to Allah, may He be exalted, as the righteous slave [Ya’qoob (peace be upon him)] said: (interpretation of the meaning): “

only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah, and I know from Allah that which you do not know” [Yoosuf 12:86].

What does Allah say about crying?

In the Holy Quran, the Almighty Allah made another reference to crying. On the day of judgment, when there is no other shade but His, the prophet PBUH also cried out in adoration and dread of Allah. It is possible that this kind of scream will be heard by the Muslims, who will be given shelter in the shadow of Allah.

Never complain about writing of destiny

What is the synonym of complain?

There are several synonyms for the word “complain.” Some of them include:











The choice of synonym can depend on the context in which you want to use the word.

Is the word complain or complaint?

The word “complain” and “complaint” are related, but they have different meanings and functions in a sentence:

“Complain” is a verb. It is used when someone expresses dissatisfaction or annoyance about something. For example:

  • She always complains about the weather.

  • He complained that the service at the restaurant was slow.

“Complaint” is a noun. It refers to a statement or expression of dissatisfaction or annoyance. For example:

  • Her complaint about the noisy neighbors was finally addressed.

  • I submitted a complaint to the customer service department about the product.

So, whether you should use “complain” or “complaint” in a sentence depends on whether you want to convey an action (use “complain”) or a noun that represents the expression of dissatisfaction (use “complaint”).

What does don’t complain mean?

“Don’t complain” is an instruction or advice that suggests someone should refrain from expressing dissatisfaction, grievances, or objections about a situation or something that is bothering them. In other words, it encourages a person to be more accepting or stoic in the face of adversity or discomfort rather than vocalizing their complaints or negative feelings. It’s often used to promote a more positive or proactive attitude, encouraging individuals to find solutions or make the best of a situation rather than dwelling on its negative aspects.

Never complain about writing of destiny

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