What is the full meaning of student?

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What is the full meaning of student?

What is the full meaning of student?

When a teacher inquired about a student’s failure in his class, the student responded as follows:

استاد “Teacher! 

There are 365 days in a year. If you sleep for 8 hours every night, it will be 122 days. Therefore, the remaining children are 243 days (365-122).

If you combine summer and winter holidays,

 it becomes about 90 days, then (243-90) the remaining 153 days. In addition to the other 101 days, the entire year (153-52) had 52 Sundays.

Sometimes Pakistan Day, 

Iqbal Day, Quaid Day, Eid, Muharram, and other holidays are occasionally added. After they reach around 20 holidays, the remaining children get 81 days (101-20).

Even if you spend 5 hours eating, drinking, bathing, and playing each day, that still amounts to 76 days in a year. The remaining children are then counted as 5 days (81-76).

Sometimes the school trip goes, 

sometimes we get sick, so if you spend 4 days on all of them, then (5-4) the remaining 1 day. And instructor, Baba Vahid’s anniversary falls on a day that is blind once a year. Tell me, does anyone read on this day in honour of their grandfather?

Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a young boy named Sam. Sam was known throughout the town as the ideal student. His story serves as an inspiration for all those who strive for excellence in their studies and conduct.


Sam was not a prodigy, nor did he possess any exceptional talents. What set him apart was his unwavering dedication and commitment to his education.

Here’s the story of the ideal student, Sam:

1. Passion for Learning: From a very young age, Sam had a deep love for learning. He was always curious and eager to explore new ideas and concepts. He saw each day as an opportunity to expand his knowledge.

2. Discipline: Sam had remarkable discipline. He knew that success in academics required consistent effort. He maintained a strict study schedule, allocating specific time for each subject and adhering to it religiously.

3. Time Management: Sam understood the importance of balance. In addition to his studies, he made time for hobbies, physical activity, and relaxation. He believed in the saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

4. Goal Setting: Sam set clear, achievable goals for himself. He would break down larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks and set deadlines for each. This approach helped him stay focused and motivated.

5. Resourcefulness: When faced with challenges or difficult subjects, Sam didn’t give up. He sought out additional resources, such as books, online tutorials, or guidance from teachers and peers. He knew that seeking help was a sign of strength, not weakness.

6. Attitude: Sam maintained a positive and optimistic attitude towards his studies. He believed that setbacks were opportunities for growth, and he used them as stepping stones to success.

7. Respect for Teachers: Sam had immense respect for his teachers. He actively participated in class, asked questions, and sought feedback to improve. This not only enhanced his understanding but also showed his teachers his commitment to learning.

8. Responsibility: Sam took responsibility for his education. He ensured that he completed assignments on time, reviewed his notes regularly, and never procrastinated. He believed that taking ownership of his learning journey was crucial.

9. Kindness and Helpfulness: Sam was not just a brilliant student but also a kind and helpful classmate. He was always willing to assist his peers with their studies, creating a positive and supportive learning environment.

10. Perseverance: Perhaps the most remarkable trait of Sam was his unwavering perseverance. He faced numerous challenges, encountered failures, and experienced moments of self-doubt. However, he never gave up. He learned from his mistakes and continued to strive for excellence.

As the years went by, Sam’s dedication and hard work paid off. He graduated as the top student in his class and earned a scholarship to a prestigious university. His story serves as a testament to the power of passion, discipline, and a positive attitude in achieving academic success. Sam’s journey inspired not only his classmates but also generations of students who followed in his footsteps, striving to become the ideal student in their own right.


A brilliant student, by definition, is someone who consistently excels in their academic pursuits and displays exceptional intellectual capabilities. Therefore, drawing a conclusion about a brilliant student entails recognizing their outstanding qualities and potential impact on their educational journey and beyond.

In conclusion, a brilliant student:

  1. Demonstrates Exceptional Academic Achievement: A brilliant student consistently achieves top grades and excels in their coursework. They have a deep understanding of the subjects they study and often go above and beyond what is required.
  2. Displays a Strong Work Ethic: Brilliance is often accompanied by a strong work ethic. These students are diligent, committed, and willing to put in the effort required to succeed.
  3. Exhibits Intellectual Curiosity: Brilliant students have a genuine thirst for knowledge. They are curious and eager to explore new ideas, concepts, and areas of study.
  4. Solves Complex Problems: They excel in solving complex problems, demonstrating critical thinking and analytical skills that set them apart from their peers.
  5. Innovates and Creates: Brilliance often leads to innovation and creativity. These students may come up with novel solutions to challenges and contribute to their fields in unique ways.
  6. Inspires Others: A brilliant student can inspire their peers and even educators. Their dedication and achievements can motivate others to strive for excellence.
  7. Pursues Higher Education: Many brilliant students continue their education at prestigious universities and institutions, further expanding their knowledge and expertise.
  8. Contributes to Society: Beyond academia, brilliant students have the potential to make significant contributions to society through their work, research, and ideas.
  9. Faces Challenges Head-On: Brilliance does not mean the absence of challenges. These students may encounter obstacles, but they are resilient and determined to overcome them.
  10. Sets High Standards: They set high standards for themselves and continually seek to improve and excel in their chosen field.

In summary, a brilliant student is characterized by their exceptional academic performance, strong work ethic, intellectual curiosity, problem-solving abilities, creativity, and the potential to make a positive impact on both their academic journey and society as a whole. They are not only high achievers but also inspirations to those around them.


What is the full meaning of student?

The full meaning of the word “student” is derived from its Latin origin. The word “student” comes from the Latin word “studens,” which is the present participle of the verb “studeo,” meaning “to study” or “to be eager or zealous about.” Therefore, the full meaning of “student” can be understood as someone who is actively engaged in the process of studying, learning, or acquiring knowledge, typically in an educational or academic setting. Students are individuals who are enrolled in schools, colleges, universities, or other educational institutions with the purpose of gaining knowledge, skills, and qualifications.

What is a good definition of student?

A student is an individual who engages in a process of formal or informal learning, typically within an educational institution or under the guidance of a teacher or mentor. Students actively acquire knowledge, skills, and understanding in various subjects or fields of study, often with the goal of gaining expertise, qualifications, or personal growth. Students can be of any age and pursue education at different levels, from preschool to postgraduate, and their role involves active participation in the learning process, which includes attending classes, completing assignments, and seeking to expand their knowledge.

What does student mean in college?

In the context of college or higher education, the term “student” refers to an individual who is enrolled in a college or university to pursue a course of study or an academic program. Students in college typically attend classes, engage in academic activities, complete assignments and exams, and work towards earning a degree or certification in their chosen field of study.

Being a college student often involves a significant level of independence and responsibility compared to earlier stages of education, as students are expected to manage their own schedules, make academic and career-related decisions, and take an active role in their learning process. College students can vary widely in age, background, and academic interests, but they all share the common goal of furthering their education and preparing for their future careers.

What does student mean in Latin?

In Latin, the word for “student” is “discipulus” for a male student and “discipula” for a female student. These words refer to someone who is learning or being taught in a formal educational setting.

What is the full meaning of student?

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