Place of tears is the best in the sight of Allah

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Place of tears is the best in the sight of Allah

Place of tears is the best in the sight of Allah

The statement “The place of tears is the best in the sight of Allah” is not a direct quote from Islamic scripture such as the Quran or Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad). However, it is a sentiment expressed by some Muslims to emphasize the value of sincere repentance, humility, and seeking forgiveness through tears in the eyes of Allah (God) in the context of Islamic spirituality.

In Islam, sincerity in one’s repentance and turning back to God is highly encouraged. Shedding tears as a sign of remorse, seeking forgiveness for one’s sins, and turning towards Allah with a humble heart are considered virtuous acts in Islamic tradition. The idea is that a person who is truly remorseful and seeks forgiveness with a sincere heart is more likely to receive Allah’s mercy and forgiveness.

It’s important to note that the concept of repentance, mercy, and forgiveness is central to Islamic beliefs, and Muslims are encouraged to turn to Allah in times of need, seek His forgiveness, and strive to lead a righteous life. The idea that tears in repentance are favored by Allah reflects the importance of genuine remorse and sincerity in one’s relationship with God in Islam.

So much life has passed and I don’t understand what ‘la’ means! He knew that  ‘La’ means nothing. Nothing.

But did not know what not? What’s not ? Considered a little bit and the truth became clear. Every wish, every wish, every dream comes to be denied.

Where the lust of your life ends.

The fear of death is gone.
The feeling of pain disappears.
Everything loses its existence.
Then ‘La’ is interpreted.
Right now it’s up to ‘La’.
It takes centuries to know Allah.
And know this is the truth.
Right now, life is at a standstill.
And I am amazed at the lost reality of ‘La’.
My Allah I agree, but the eyes get wet

 WHAT IS Patience!

Patience does not mean that you cannot cry, patience does not have to be strong all the time, we are all human beings and if we had the ability to be so patient, God would never make tears .

And you know that all other places are on one side but the place of tears is the best in the sight of Allah .

The tears that are shed on her doorstep are kept by her. And He rewards every tear with a double. Where He creates it. There are vast oceans, but His love is all for one tear of man, and He knows that when My servant is weary, he does not see the past. He just gives and wipes away all the tears .

In Urdu, the word “tear” can have multiple meanings depending on the context. Here are some common meanings of “tear” in Urdu:

  1. آنسو (Aansu): This is the most common meaning of “tear” in Urdu, referring to the drops of liquid that come out of your eyes when you cry. It can also refer to tears of joy or any watery secretion from the eyes.
  2. پھاڑنا (Phaarna): This word can mean “to tear” or “to rip.” It is used when describing the action of physically tearing or ripping something apart, like paper, fabric, or any material.
  3. چیرنا (Cheerna): This is another word for “to tear” or “to rip.” It is used similarly to “phaarna” for describing the act of tearing or ripping something.
  4. پھٹنا (Phatna): This word means “to burst” or “to split open.” It can be used to describe the tearing or splitting open of objects or materials.
  5. چھیدنا (Chhedna): This word can mean “to pierce” or “to tear through.” It is used when something penetrates or tears through another object, like a sharp object tearing through a surface.

These are some of the common meanings of “tear” in Urdu. The specific meaning will depend on the context in which the word is used.


The statement “The place of tears is the best in the sight of Allah” is not a direct quote from Islamic scripture, such as the Quran or Hadith. However, it reflects a sentiment that can be found in Islamic teachings about sincerity, repentance, and seeking Allah’s forgiveness.

In Islam, tears shed in humility, repentance, and sincere worship are seen as a sign of a person’s devotion to Allah. When a person turns to Allah with a contrite heart, seeking forgiveness for their sins and expressing deep gratitude and submission, it is believed that Allah is pleased with such sincerity.

The concept of sincerity in worship and seeking Allah’s pleasure through repentance can be found in various Islamic teachings. Muslims are encouraged to turn to Allah in moments of hardship, gratitude, or reflection and to seek His forgiveness and guidance. Shedding tears during these moments can be seen as a genuine expression of one’s faith and devotion.

It’s important to note that while sincere tears and repentance are valued in Islam, they are not the only means of seeking Allah’s favor. Good deeds, acts of kindness, prayer, and living a righteous life are also important aspects of Islamic faith and practice.

In conclusion, the idea that tears shed in sincere worship and repentance are highly regarded in the sight of Allah is consistent with Islamic teachings on sincerity and seeking forgiveness. However, it’s essential to approach such statements with an understanding of the broader context of Islamic faith and practice.


What are the 2 meanings of tear?

The word “tear” has multiple meanings, but here are two of its primary meanings:

  1. Tear as a Verb:
    • Meaning 1: To rip or damage something by pulling it apart or by force, often resulting in a hole or separation. For example, “She accidentally tore her dress on a nail.”
    • Meaning 2: To produce liquid from the eyes, often in response to strong emotions, irritation, or as a physiological response. For example, “Tears welled up in her eyes when she heard the sad news.”
  2. Tear as a Noun:
    • Meaning 1: A drop of clear, salty liquid secreted by glands in the eyes as a response to various emotions, such as sadness, joy, or irritation. Tears serve to moisten and protect the eyes.
    • Meaning 2: A hole, cut, or break in something, typically caused by physical force or wear and tear. For example, “There was a tear in the fabric of the couch.”

These two meanings of “tear” can be distinguished by their usage in sentences and the context in which they are used.

Place of tears is the best in the sight of Allah

What are the emotional tears?

Emotional tears are tears that are produced in response to strong emotions, such as sadness, joy, frustration, or even relief. These tears are distinct from basal tears, which are constantly produced to keep the eye moist and protect it from irritants. Emotional tears serve a different purpose and contain unique chemical compositions.

When a person experiences intense emotions, the body’s autonomic nervous system is activated, leading to various physiological responses, including the production of emotional tears. These tears contain higher levels of certain proteins and hormones, such as adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), Leu-enkephalin (an endorphin), and the protein prolactin.

The exact function of emotional tears is not fully understood, but there are several theories about their potential benefits:

  1. Emotional release: Crying can serve as a form of emotional release, helping individuals process and cope with strong emotions. Many people report feeling better after crying when they are upset.
  2. Social communication: Tears may signal distress or vulnerability to others, prompting social support and empathy from friends, family, or peers. This can help strengthen social bonds and encourage help-seeking behavior.
  3. Stress reduction: Crying may help reduce stress and promote emotional regulation by releasing certain stress-related chemicals from the body.
  4. Chemical detoxification: Some researchers believe that crying may help remove toxins and stress-related substances from the body, although this theory is not widely accepted.

It’s important to note that while emotional tears are a common response to strong emotions, not everyone experiences them in the same way or to the same degree. Additionally, cultural and societal factors can influence how individuals perceive and respond to crying. Some people may feel more comfortable expressing their emotions through tears, while others may have different coping mechanisms.

What are the 3 types of tears?

Tears can be categorized into three main types, each serving a different purpose:

  1. Basal Tears: These are the constant, everyday tears that help keep the eye moist and nourished. They provide a protective barrier against dust, irritants, and microbial agents, helping to maintain the health of the cornea (the transparent front part of the eye).
  2. Reflex Tears: Reflex tears are produced in response to an irritant or stimulus, such as dust, smoke, foreign objects, or strong odors. These tears help flush out and wash away the irritants, providing a protective response to maintain eye health.
  3. Emotional Tears: Emotional tears are linked to strong feelings or emotions, such as sadness, joy, frustration, or stress. They contain additional proteins and hormones not found in basal or reflex tears. The exact purpose of emotional tears is still a subject of scientific study, but they are believed to serve a social or emotional function, possibly signaling distress or eliciting empathy from others.

Each type of tear has a distinct composition and function, collectively contributing to the overall well-being and function of the eyes.

What’s the difference between tears and tears?

The word “tears” can have two different meanings, and the difference lies in the pronunciation and context:

  1. Tears (noun, pronounced like “teerz”):
    • Tears are the drops of clear, salty liquid that are produced by the lacrimal glands in a person’s eyes. These tears can be shed in response to emotions such as sadness, joy, or laughter, and they help to keep the eyes moist and clean.
    • Example: When she heard the sad news, tears rolled down her cheeks.
  2. Tears (verb, pronounced like “teerz”):
    • Tears can also be a verb form, which is the past tense of the verb “tear.” In this context, “tear” means to pull or rip something apart forcefully, often resulting in damage or destruction.
    • Example: He accidentally tore the paper while trying to unwrap the gift.

So, the difference between “tears” (noun) and “tears” (verb) is in their pronunciation and usage. The noun refers to the liquid produced by the eyes, while the verb refers to an action of forcefully pulling something apart.

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