“Bashar Hafie has recognized My Allah”

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"Bashar Hafie has recognized My Allah"

“Bashar Hafie has recognized My Allah”

A statement about someone named Bashar Hafie recognizing a higher power or deity referred to as “My Allah.” The phrase “My Allah” suggests a personal connection or belief in a specific concept of God. Recognizing or acknowledging a higher power is a common aspect of many religious and spiritual practices.

The story of Baghdad’s

The story of Baghdad’s famous bar, and famous saint of ALLAH Bashar bin Haris’s. The famous a bar in Baghdad had a knock on its door, and the proprietor answered it while staggering about barefoot and alcoholic.

And he saw a dignified man in simple clothes standing in front of him, the owner said in an annoyed tone. “Sorry all the employees have gone it’s time to close the bar you will come tomorrow”

Before the owner returned,

the stranger put his hand on his shoulder and said,
“I want to meet Bashar bin Haris. There is a very important message to him.”  The owner of the bar said shockingly Speak up! My name is Bashar Bin Haris. The stranger saw the man from head to toe in front of him with great surprise and said.

Are you Bashar bin Haris?

The owner said in an annoyed tone. Why any doubt? With considerable amazement, the stranger looked at the man in front of him from head to toe.
 Sunu Bashar bin Haris!
The Creator of the earth and the sky has a message for me that
Offer my greetings to my friend Bashar bin Haris and tell him that the respect you gave my name will be given to your name till the end of the world.
It was just to hear that Bashar bin Haris’s eyes were filled with such a scene turned. When one day, as usual, he was drunken, and his eyes fell on a paper lying on a pile of shit, on which the name “Allah” was written.Kissed the paper with great respect, cleaned it and kept it in a holy place, and said,
“O Lord of the Great Throne, this place is the place of mankind Bashar bin Haris, not yours” Only this act made Bashar bin Haris “Bashar Hafie” The same Bashar Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal used to speak about Hafie.


 The Allah that Ahmed bin Hanbal believes.
Bashar Hafie has recognized My Allah”

Hazrat Bishrul hafi name meaning

Hazrat Bishrul Hafi, also known as Bishr ibn Harith (767–841 CE), was a famous Islamic saint and Sufi of the 8th century. His name can be broken down as follows:


“Hazrat” is a title of respect used in Islamic culture, particularly for revered and respected figures. It is often used before the names of prophets, saints, scholars, and other esteemed individuals.


“Bishr” is an Arabic name, and its meaning is often interpreted as “joy” or “happiness.” It is a name that conveys a sense of gladness and positivity.


“Hafi” is not typically a standalone name but is often added to the name of Bishr to refer to him as “Bishrul Hafi.” The exact meaning of “Hafi” can vary, and it is not as commonly used as some other elements in Arabic names. However, in the context of Bishrul Hafi, it could be associated with his status as a repentant and humble individual, as “Hafi” might be related to the Arabic word “tauba,” which means repentance.

So, when you consider the name “Hazrat Bishrul Hafi” in its entirety, it could be understood as “The Revered Bishr, the Joyful Repentant” or “The Respected Bishr, the One Who Repented in Humility.” This name reflects his reputation as a Sufi who turned from a life of sin to one of piety and spiritual devotion, finding joy and contentment in his repentance and devotion to God.

Hazrat Bishrul Hafi in urdu

حضرت بشر الحافی (Hazrat Bishrul Hafi) ایک مشہور اور پسندیدہ اسلامی سفر کار تھے جو اسلامی تاریخ میں اہم شخصیتوں میں سے ایک تھے۔ وہ عرب میں مشہور تھے اور ان کا مخصوص عبادت کا طریقہ اور توبہ کا راستہ ان کی مشہوریت کا باعث بنے۔

بشر الحافی کا اصل نام “بشر بن حارث” تھا، جب وہ نسلی خود کو ترک کرکے ایمان لائے تو ان کا نام بشر الحافی رکھا گیا۔ ان کی زندگی کا ایک اہم حصہ توبہ اور توبہ کی خصوصی معنوں پر عمل کرنے کا تھا۔ وہ اپنی زندگی کو ابتدائی گناہوں سے پاک کرنے اور خدا کی رضا حاصل کرنے میں گزرا۔

حضرت بشر الحافی کی زندگی کی کہانی اسلامی تصوف کی تاریخ میں اہم مقام رکھتی ہے اور ان کے توبہ کی قصے نے لوگوں کو توبہ اور توبہ کے طریقے کی اہمیت پر غور کرنے کی ترغیب دی۔

بشر الحافی کی وفات 227 ہجری میں ہوئی اور ان کا مزار سوریہ کے دمشق شہر میں واقع ہے جہاں لوگ ان کی زیارت کے لئے آتے ہیں اور ان کی زندگی اور توبہ کے قصے کی تعریف کرتے ہیں۔


The story you’ve shared appears to be a fictional or anecdotal account that highlights a moment of realization and transformation in the life of a person named Bashar bin Haris, who becomes known as “Bashar Hafie.” Here’s a summary of the story:

The story is set in Baghdad and centers around a famous bar owned by Bashar bin Haris.

One day, while Bashar is drunk and about to close the bar, a stranger arrives and asks to meet Bashar bin Haris with an important message.

The stranger is surprised to find out that Bashar is the owner and conveys a message from Allah (God) to him. He praises Bashar and tells him that the respect he has shown to Allah’s name will be reciprocated to his name until the end of the world.

Bashar is deeply moved by this encounter and starts treating Allah’s name with utmost respect, even when he finds it on a piece of paper in an unexpected place.

He cleans the paper with reverence and keeps it in a sacred location, acknowledging that this place belongs to mankind, not to Allah.

This transformation leads to him being known as “Bashar Hafie,” and the story suggests that he has found a deeper connection with Allah.

The story ends with a reference to Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal, who acknowledges that Bashar Hafie has recognized Allah.

It’s worth noting that this story appears to be a parable or allegory emphasizing the importance of showing respect and reverence for the divine. It also highlights the transformative power of a single moment of realization and the profound impact it can have on a person’s life and beliefs.


Who is Bashar bin Haris?

Muslim saint Bishr ibn al-rith, often known as Bishr al-f (Bishr the Barefoot) (Arabic: ), was born in or around Merv about the year 767 C.E. Al-Fozail ibn Iyaz taught him about Islamic tradition while he was a convert.

What was birth place of Bashar bin haris?

Bishr was raised in Baghdad after being born in Merv, where he spent his days and nights acting impudently.

Who is Bishrul Hafi’s sister?

Makhtah, a sister of Bishr bin al-Harith [al-Hafi], was born in 575. Mudghah and Zubdah, her other two sisters, also existed. The three sisters are recognised for their scrupulousness [war] and devout deeds of devotion. The oldest child, Mughdah, was older than Bishr.

Where his tomb bashar bin haris?

Bishr died away in Baghdad in 227/841-2 and was buried there at Bab al-Harb. Also recorded in 226/840-1 in Merv is his death. Ibn Kathir believed the first report to be more trustworthy. There are graves ascribed to him in a few Iranian provinces, including Anar in Kerman, Bijar in Kurdestan, and Gotvand in Khuzestan.

"Bashar Hafie has recognized My Allah"


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