An Arab tale that a man’s shop was completely burnt but see power of Allah.

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An Arab tale that a man's shop was completely burnt but see power of Allah.

An Arab tale that a man’s shop was completely burnt but see power of Allah.

There is an Arab tale that a man’s shop was completely burnt to ashes and only the walls kept burning. When the fire was extinguished, people gathered around him to comfort him. Everyone was surprised that he was smiling. As if nothing happened. And as if its only source of livelihood was burned.

“Abu Abdullah, what’s wrong with you?” people would ask him. We see you smiling, even though you’re in big trouble. Have you lost your mind? ”
He replied, “Why am I sad when I believe that if I am satisfied with Allah’s judgement, Allah will grant me better than this. I have entrusted my matter to Allah in all circumstances.” I am grateful.”
Two weeks later, people were surprised to see a big and new shop filled with all kinds of items.

People went closer to see who owned this big shop. They found Abu Abdullah praying inside the shop. People said, “How did this even happen?” Just two weeks ago you lost your old shop, and where did all that money come from? ”
“Did I not tell you that I am sure that Allah will grant me?” Abu Abdullah asked with a smile. He shocked me with his present, I swear to God.

Friday morning, I didn’t even have money for my kids food. My wife informed me that she intended to obtain a loan from her sister.
She went and get some money a later. I took that money and went to the market to buy fish.
I saw a fisherman holding a small fish in his hand. He was begging people to buy it for 200 dinars. The price was not fair for the fish and some people were only paying 50 dinars.

I went closer to him and Asked, “Why are you selling it for so much? “My daughter is ill and I only got this fish from the sea and I require the money to buy the complete medicine,” he said.
I regretted his situation and circumstances and said, “I will take it as a charity in the way of Allah.” I gave him 200 dinars and bought fish, then I came back home and requested my wife to get it ready.

Then I Went to offer Friday prayers. When I returned from the mosque, my wife said, “Look, what was found in the fish’s belly?” “These are nine beautiful stones.” I looked at them and said, “Really these are beautiful, we will keep them.”

My daughter and her husband paid us a visit two days later.

My daughter and her husband paid us a visit two days later. I took out the stones and showed them to my son-in-law. He looked at them and said, “These are not stones, these are very precious pearls.

They are very valuable, you will be now very rich.”
My son-in-law contacted merchants and experts and I couldn’t believe it, they were competing to buy them. I sold only three and kept six pearls. God helped me and gave me back what I had lost.

The next day, I went to the market to look for this fisherman so that by the grace of Allah, I could not find it. Whenever I asked the fishermen about it, someone said they don’t know any such person here. Then I Realized that he was a gift from Allah in the form of this man.

When your faith in Allah is true, he surprises you

When your faith in Allah is true, He surprises you with blessings and joys and grants you sustenance from a place you would never have imagined. You have must faith in Allah in all circumstances.

The idea that “when your faith in Allah is true, He surprises you” reflects a key spiritual belief in Islam: when one has sincere and unwavering faith, Allah often provides in unexpected and remarkable ways. This can manifest in ways that go beyond human expectations, reminding believers that Allah’s wisdom and mercy are far greater than what they can foresee.

This idea emphasizes tawakkul (trust in Allah), where believers put their complete reliance on God, knowing that He knows what is best for them. Even in difficult times, maintaining strong faith can lead to blessings or outcomes that one might not have anticipated. Many people find that through patience and trust in God, life presents unexpected resolutions or opportunities, reinforcing the idea that Allah is always aware of what we need, even before we realize it ourselves.

Such moments are seen as divine signs of Allah’s care and attention, encouraging continued devotion and faith.

What is power of Allah?

The power of Allah, in Islamic belief, is considered absolute and omnipotent. It encompasses everything in existence and beyond, as Allah is believed to be the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Muslims understand Allah’s power to be unlimited, beyond human comprehension, and capable of achieving anything. This concept is central to Islamic theology, emphasizing the belief in Allah’s sovereignty and the dependence of creation upon His will.

Allah is my power

The phrase “Allah is my power” expresses a deep sense of reliance and trust in God’s strength and guidance. In Islamic belief, Allah is considered the ultimate source of power and might. For someone who says “Allah is my power,” it means that they place their faith in God for support, strength, and the ability to overcome life’s challenges.

An Arab tale that a man's shop was completely burnt but see power of Allah.

This trust in Allah encompasses both physical and spiritual strength. Believers feel that whatever they achieve or endure is through Allah’s will, and by relying on His power, they can face difficulties with confidence and patience. It’s also a reminder of human limitations and the infinite nature of God’s abilities, emphasizing humility and submission to divine wisdom.


The tale you’ve shared beautifully illustrates the theme of trust and faith in Allah, despite facing adversity. Abu Abdullah’s unwavering belief in Allah’s plan and his contentment with whatever fate brings him ultimately leads to unexpected blessings and prosperity.

It serves as a powerful reminder that patience, gratitude, and trust in divine wisdom can turn challenges into opportunities and losses into gains. This story resonates with the universal message of faith and resilience in the face of hardship.

This story beautifully illustrates the power of faith and trust in Allah. Abu Abdullah’s unwavering belief in Allah’s wisdom and mercy enabled him to endure hardship with grace and patience. His shop, his only source of livelihood, was consumed by fire, but instead of despairing, he trusted in Allah’s plan. His remarkable calmness and reliance on Allah serve as an inspiring lesson on the strength of faith.

The turning point came when, out of compassion and sincerity, he gave charity to a fisherman in need. What seemed like a simple act of kindness unfolded into a miraculous event that transformed his situation. Finding valuable pearls in the fish he purchased is a testament to Allah’s ability to provide sustenance from the most unexpected sources.

This story highlights the immense power of faith, patience, and charity in Islam. It reminds us that when we place our complete trust in Allah, even in the darkest times, Allah responds in ways we cannot imagine. True reliance on Allah can lead to blessings that surpass our greatest expectations.


How does trust in Allah’s plan help in coping with life’s challenges?

Trusting in Allah’s plan, also known as tawakkul, gives a believer peace of mind and heart, knowing that everything happens for a reason and is part of Allah’s divine wisdom. When facing trials, this trust alleviates anxiety and despair because it instills the belief that hardships are temporary and serve a greater purpose. It helps one see challenges as opportunities for growth or spiritual elevation, reminding us that Allah knows what is best, even when we don’t fully understand the wisdom behind His plan.

Why is patience and gratitude important in difficult times? How does it shape our character?

Patience (sabr) and gratitude (shukr) are two pillars that help a person navigate life’s ups and downs. Patience teaches endurance and resilience, allowing individuals to maintain their composure and faith during hardships. Gratitude, on the other hand, helps focus on the blessings that still remain, even in tough times.

Together, they prevent bitterness and despair, shape a person’s character by fostering humility, and encourage optimism. They also strengthen one’s connection with Allah, as both traits reflect submission to His will and acknowledgment of His mercy.

How does charity and helping others affect one’s life in return? Can you recall other examples where selfless giving brought unexpected blessings?

Charity (sadaqah) purifies the heart, earns the pleasure of Allah, and brings unexpected blessings in return. When we give selflessly, it not only aids others but also opens doors to Allah’s mercy and providence.

The story of Abu Abdullah finding pearls after helping the fisherman is a classic example of how helping others can lead to blessings we never imagined. In other examples, people who donate their time, wealth, or resources often find that their needs are met in unexpected ways, either through material gains or spiritual satisfaction.

How can prayer strengthen one’s faith, especially during hardships?

Prayer (salah) serves as a direct connection between a believer and Allah, offering comfort and spiritual grounding. During hardships, it is through prayer that one finds solace, hope, and strength. The act of turning to Allah in du’a (supplication) reinforces faith, reminding us that we are never alone in our struggles.

It also encourages reliance on Allah rather than material means, deepening the belief that He alone can provide solutions to our problems. Consistent prayer cultivates patience and trust, providing inner peace even in the toughest times.

What lessons can be learned from the fact that sustenance can come from unexpected places? How does this relate to faith in Allah’s mercy?

The lesson here is that Allah’s provision is limitless and can come from unimaginable sources. Abu Abdullah’s story shows how Allah granted him wealth from something as simple as a fish. This teaches us that we should never despair over our current circumstances because Allah can change them in an instant.

Sustenance coming from unexpected places is a manifestation of Allah’s mercy, emphasizing that He is the Provider (Al-Razzaq). It reinforces the idea that a believer must maintain faith and trust that Allah will always take care of them, even in ways they cannot foresee.An Arab tale that a man's shop was completely burnt but see power of Allah.


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