A king of old times saw a slave girl in the slave market amazing story

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A king of old times saw a slave girl in the slave market amazing story

A king of old times saw a slave girl in the slave market amazing story

A king of old times saw a slave girl in the slave market, who was asking for a huge price.
The king asked the girl:
What is there in you that is more valuable than the whole market? `

The girl said:
Long live the king. It’s my intelligence that’s being asked for.
The king said :
Ok let me ask you some questions. If you answer correctly, you are free but if there is no answer, you will be killed.
When the girl got ready, the king asked:

Which is the most expensive dress.?
What is the best perfume.?
What is the most delicious food?
What is the softest bed?

And which is the most beautiful country.?
The girl said to the trader of the slave market:
Get my horse ready cause I’m about to break free.
Then answered the first question.

The most valuable clothing is the clothing of a poor person, other than which he does not have any other clothing. This dress goes on every winter, summer, Eid and festival.
The most beautiful fragrance is that of a mother, even if she is a laborer washing the manure of cattle, there will be no better fragrance than her fragrance for her children.

The best food is the food of an empty stomach. If you are hungry, even dry bread tastes delicious.
The softest bed of the world belongs to the one who does the best justice. The tyrant does not find comfort even on a bed decorated with muslin and cotton.
After saying this, the girl sat on the horse.

The king, who was hearing this, suddenly he said in shock:
Girl you didn’t answer a question.
Which is the most beautiful country?
The girl said: Long live the king…!!!
The most “beautiful country in the world is that which is independent. Where there is no slave and the rulers of the world are not ‘cruel and ignorant’. ”

Slave girls from beyond infinity

Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity is a 1987 American science fiction film directed by Ken Dixon. It’s a low-budget B-movie that mixes science fiction with elements of exploitation cinema. The film is loosely based on the classic 1924 short story The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell, which revolves around a hunter who pursues human prey.

The plot of Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity follows two women who escape from captivity on a distant planet, only to find themselves being hunted by a sadistic alien overlord. The film features action, adventure, and a blend of campy dialogue and lighthearted, somewhat risqué, B-movie tropes.

While it has gained a certain level of cult status due to its absurd plot and low-budget charm, the film is often criticized for its portrayal of women and use of exploitation elements. However, it remains a notable example of 1980s low-budget sci-fi cinema.

Slave synonym & antonyms

Synonyms for “slave”:









Antonyms for “slave”:




Free person





A king of old times saw a slave girl in the slave market amazing story


The conclusion of this story carries a deep and timeless message about values, justice, and freedom. At its heart, it is not just a tale of a slave girl outsmarting a king, but a reflection on the nature of true wealth, the essence of beauty, and the price of freedom.

The girl’s answers to the king’s questions reveal a wisdom that transcends materialism and superficiality. Each of her responses highlights that the most valuable things in life are not expensive or luxurious, but are tied to the human spirit and our essential needs.

Breakdown of the Wisdom:

1. The Most Expensive Dress: The girl’s response suggests that the value of clothing is not in its cost or material, but in its necessity. A poor person’s one and only garment, worn in all seasons and occasions, becomes more precious than the finest robes of the wealthy. The deeper message here is that value is determined by need and utility, not extravagance. It reflects the dignity found in simplicity and survival.

2. The Best Perfume: By choosing the fragrance of a mother, even a laborer, the girl shows that the best fragrance is not derived from luxury perfumes but from love, care, and relationships. A mother’s scent is comforting and cherished by her children, transcending physical labor or social status. The metaphor also points to the irreplaceable nature of maternal love, which cannot be bought or sold.

3. The Most Delicious Food: The girl’s answer regarding food draws attention to the fact that hunger shapes our perception of taste. The most delicious meal is not one served in royal feasts, but one that satiates an empty stomach. This is a humbling reminder that gratitude and satisfaction often come from the simplest things, especially when they meet our most basic needs.

4. The Softest Bed: The idea that the softest bed belongs to the just ruler contrasts sharply with the life of the tyrant. No matter how luxurious a bed may be, a cruel or unjust person will find no peace. The girl’s wisdom speaks to the inner torment of those who act unjustly, while those who practice fairness sleep soundly, even on modest bedding. This emphasizes the importance of moral integrity over physical comfort.

5. The Most Beautiful Country: When the king points out that the girl did not answer the final question, her response becomes the climax of the story: the most beautiful country is one that is free. Here, she articulates a vision of a land where people live without oppression, where justice and wisdom prevail, and where no one is enslaved—physically or mentally. A truly beautiful country is not defined by its geography or wealth, but by the liberty and dignity of its people.

The story ultimately contrasts material wealth with the wealth of wisdom, compassion, and justice. The girl’s intelligence, which was her most valuable trait, is evident in her answers that reveal life’s deeper truths. Her final statement about the most beautiful country is particularly profound, as it strikes at the heart of human dignity and the universal yearning for freedom. The king, though powerful, is humbled by the girl’s insight.

In the end, this tale encourages us to rethink what we value in life. It challenges the conventional measures of wealth and beauty, reminding us that true value lies in our humanity, in the bonds we share, and in the pursuit of justice and freedom. Through this story, we learn that wisdom, compassion, and justice are priceless, and that the most beautiful place is one where these values reign supreme.


What is the full meaning of slave?

The term “slave” refers to a person who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work without any personal freedom or rights. In this historical context, slavery is a system in which people are treated as property, deprived of their autonomy, and compelled to labor or serve others against their will.

Slavery has existed in various forms throughout human history, with some of the most well-known examples being the transatlantic slave trade, ancient slavery in Greece and Rome, and slavery in parts of Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

In a broader, metaphorical sense, the term “slave” can also refer to someone who is overly controlled or subjugated by another person or force, such as addiction or oppression, though this usage is figurative and less common in formal discourse.

What quality did the girl claim to have that made her worth the high price at the slave market?

The girl claimed that her intelligence was the quality that made her valuable. She confidently stated that it was her mind, her ability to think and reason, that justified her high price. This highlights the importance of self-worth and intellectual capabilities.

Even in a marketplace where human value was often reduced to physical attributes or labor, she understood that her true value lay in her intellect. The lesson here is that intelligence and self-awareness can be more valuable than material wealth or appearance, and that understanding one’s own worth is crucial in all circumstances.

How did the girl define the most valuable clothing, and what lesson can be drawn from her answer?

The girl described the most valuable clothing as the clothing of a poor person, the only outfit they have that serves them through all seasons and occasions. This humble piece of clothing is worn repeatedly, not because of its extravagance, but because it is essential for survival.

The deeper lesson here is one of humility and contentment. Wealth is not in having a wardrobe full of luxurious clothing, but in having something that serves its purpose when needed. This reflects the idea that necessity and gratitude for what one has, no matter how little, are more valuable than the pursuit of material excess. It teaches us to appreciate the basics that fulfill our needs and to avoid chasing unnecessary luxury.

What did the girl describe as the best fragrance, and what deeper meaning can be derived from it?

The girl said that the best fragrance is the scent of a mother, even if she works in harsh conditions, such as washing manure. To her children, the scent of their mother is the most comforting and beautiful smell, because it represents love, care, and emotional attachment.

This response symbolizes the sacred bond between a mother and her children. The smell of a mother transcends physical odors, as it signifies safety, love, and sacrifice. It teaches us that true beauty lies not in external appearances or expensive perfumes, but in the profound emotional connections we form with those we love. The girl’s answer underscores that love and nurturing are far more valuable than societal notions of what is “beautiful.”

Why did the girl say that food tastes better when someone is hungry?

The girl explained that the best food is the one eaten by someone who is truly hungry, even if it is just dry bread. When a person is in need, even the simplest food becomes satisfying and delicious.

This lesson is about gratitude, perspective, and appreciation. When people are content or comfortable, they may not appreciate what they have. However, when faced with true hunger or hardship, they learn to value even the smallest blessings. The girl’s answer emphasizes that hunger sharpens appreciation, and it reminds us to be grateful for what we have, recognizing that luxury is not always in the quality of food but in the relief it provides to those in need.

What is the lesson behind the girl’s response about the softest bed?

The girl said that the softest bed in the world belongs to the person who does justice. A just person sleeps peacefully, even if their bed is simple. On the other hand, a tyrant cannot find comfort, even on a bed adorned with the finest materials like muslin and cotton.

This response teaches the importance of a clear conscience and justice. True comfort and rest come not from physical luxury but from living a life that is fair, honest, and just. The girl’s answer implies that those who live with integrity and treat others fairly can find peace within themselves, while those who are unjust or cruel will find no peace, no matter how soft or luxurious their surroundings may be. It’s a reminder that inner peace is rooted in moral righteousness.

What message did the girl convey about the most beautiful country?

The girl described the most beautiful country as the one that is independent and where there is no slavery. She added that the most beautiful country is one where the rulers are neither cruel nor ignorant.

This answer carries a powerful message about freedom, justice, and good governance. The girl implies that true beauty in a country is not in its physical appearance or wealth, but in its freedom and equity. A country that is free from oppression and slavery, where rulers govern with wisdom and compassion, is a place where human dignity thrives.

Her answer teaches that liberty and justice are the foundations of a truly beautiful and prosperous nation. This reflects the idea that political and social freedom are more important than any physical or material attributes a country may have.

A king of old times saw a slave girl in the slave market amazing story


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