Piety person meaning and 10 synonyms

Hello friends, welcome to (international stories) in this story we will discuss Piety person meaning and 10 synonyms. Complete read this story maybe you will like this Islamic story.

Pious person meaning and 10 synonyms

Piety person meaning and 10 synonyms

A piety person is someone who is devoutly religious and demonstrates a strong commitment to their faith. Here are ten synonyms for “piety”:

  1. Devout

  2. Religious

  3. God-fearing

  4. Faithful

  5. Reverent

  6. Spiritual

  7. Devoted

  8. Prayerful

  9. Sanctimonious

  10. Holy-minded

These words all convey the idea of someone who is deeply devoted to their religious beliefs and practices.

Incident of a saint of ALLAH whose miracles were due to his wife!

The incident of a saint of ALLAH whose miracles were due to his wife! A saint of ALLAH was to live on the banks of the Nile River near Cairo. His disciples were proud that their Peer Sahib prayed Tahajjud on the water of the river. He was lying down on prayer mats on the water.

Prayer mats remain on the water and do not drown.
One day Peer Sahib’s wife became something unfamiliar to her.
They said that the world accepts me as its saint of ALLAH, But you did not believe on me. The wife did not say anything and just got up quietly.

The next day, the doomsday broke on Peer Sahib. When he came to the river Nile to perform Tahajjud prayers, he started to dive and fell directly into the river.

The people pulled him out with great difficulty and started looking at each other with surprise.
So what happened?
Peer Sahib used to offer prayers on the water every day.
Why did the river drown him today?
Peer Sahib came home very depressed and set aside quietly.

The wife looked at him with eyes and said: Just look at your seniority! It was all my hard work on which you were driving your greatness.

Peer Sahib was suddenly shocked to hear his wife’s words

Peer Sahib was suddenly shocked to hear his wife’s words and came closer to her and asked her impatiently:
At least give some details.
The wife replied that she used to prepare food for you after performing ablution. Due to which your body and soul remained pure. And you used to offer to pray on the water of the river. Today I cooked food without ablution and purification.

By eating this food, your level of spirituality decreased.
Because the quality of the food that entered your body was low. That is why you could not pray on the water of the river and drowned.
The wife has the biggest hand in your piety and purity. If she cleans herself and prepares clean food, then your self will remain pure. And on the day she worked less hard, you will also be diving in the river.


The story you’ve shared is a parable highlighting the importance of a wife’s role in a man’s spiritual life and purity. While it’s a fictional tale with a supernatural element, it carries a moral lesson. Here’s the conclusion and the lessons to be drawn from the story:

Spiritual Dependency:

The story suggests that spiritual leaders, even those with miraculous abilities, can become spiritually dependent on the support and purity of their partners, in this case, their wife.

Purity of Body and Soul:

A person’s physical and spiritual purity is interconnected. In the story, the wife’s meticulous care in preparing food with ablution and purification rituals helped maintain the saint’s spiritual purity.

The Wife’s Role:

The story emphasizes the significant role a wife can play in her husband’s life, not only in providing physical sustenance but also in nurturing his spiritual well-being.


The story also underscores the importance of humility and not taking one’s spiritual achievements for granted. The saint became complacent and proud of his ability to pray on water, but he was humbled when he failed to do so.

Lesson in Accountability: Lastly, the story serves as a reminder that our actions and choices have consequences, even in matters of spirituality. Neglecting purity and devotion, even once, can impact one’s spiritual state.

While the story employs supernatural elements for dramatic effect, its core message is about the interconnectedness of physical and spiritual purity, the role of humility, and the importance of mutual support within a partnership.

Piety person meaning and 10 synonyms


What is meaning of piety?

Piety refers to a deep reverence and devotion to a religious faith or set of beliefs. It involves a strong sense of duty and devotion to religious principles, practices, and moral values. Piety can also extend to a sense of respect and reverence for one’s parents, ancestors, or other figures of authority, as well as a commitment to living a virtuous and morally upright life in accordance with one’s religious or ethical convictions. It is often associated with acts of worship, prayer, and religious observance. Piety can vary greatly between different religions and belief systems and may manifest in various forms.

What does it mean to be a pious person?

Being a pious person typically means being deeply religious and devoted to one’s faith and religious practices. The exact meaning of piety can vary significantly depending on the specific religious tradition and cultural context. However, there are some common characteristics that are often associated with piety:

Devotion to a Higher Power: A pious person is dedicated to their belief in and worship of a higher power or deity. This devotion is central to their life and guides their actions and decisions.

Religious Observance: Piety often involves a strict adherence to religious rituals, ceremonies, and traditions. These may include regular prayer, attending religious services, and participating in religious holidays and festivals.

Moral and Ethical Living: Pious individuals tend to uphold a strong moral and ethical code as prescribed by their religion. They strive to live a virtuous life and follow the moral teachings of their faith.

Humility and Reverence: Piety is often associated with humility and a sense of reverence toward the divine. Pious people recognize their own limitations and submit themselves to a higher authority.

Acts of Charity and Compassion: Many religious traditions emphasize the importance of helping others and showing compassion. Pious individuals often engage in acts of charity and kindness as a way of living out their faith.

Studying and Learning: Piety can also involve a commitment to religious study and learning. Pious individuals may spend time reading religious texts, attending religious classes, and seeking to deepen their understanding of their faith.

Fasting and Self-Denial: Some religious traditions encourage practices like fasting and self-denial as a means of demonstrating devotion and self-discipline.

It’s important to note that the concept of piety can vary greatly between different religions and denominations. What is considered pious in one faith may differ from what is seen as pious in another. Additionally, the degree of piety can also vary among individuals within the same religious community. Ultimately, being a pious person is about living out one’s faith in a sincere and dedicated manner according to the beliefs and practices of their religion.

What is an example of being pious?

In Islamic tradition, piety, known as “Taqwa” in Arabic, refers to a state of mindfulness, reverence, and obedience to Allah (God). It encompasses various aspects of a person’s life, including their behavior, actions, and intentions. Here are some examples of being pious in an Islamic context:

Praying Regularly:

One of the most fundamental acts of piety in Islam is performing the five daily prayers (Salat) at their appointed times. A pious Muslim strives to maintain this daily ritual as a means of worship and spiritual connection with Allah.

Fasting during Ramadan:

Observing fasting during the holy month of Ramadan is a significant act of piety. Muslims abstain from food, drink, and certain other physical needs from dawn to sunset to demonstrate self-discipline and draw closer to Allah.

Giving to Charity (Zakat):

A pious Muslim is expected to give a portion of their wealth to those in need, known as Zakat. This demonstrates generosity and a commitment to helping the less fortunate in society.

Avoiding Sinful Behavior:

Piety involves abstaining from sinful acts, such as lying, cheating, gossiping, and engaging in unlawful activities. It also includes avoiding behaviors that lead to harm or oppression of others.

Performing Acts of Kindness and Mercy:

Being pious means showing kindness and mercy to others, including family members, neighbors, and strangers. Acts of charity, helping those in need, and showing compassion are all expressions of piety.

Engaging in Continuous Self-Reflection:

A pious person often engages in self-reflection and introspection to improve their character and strengthen their relationship with Allah. They seek to purify their heart and intentions.

Seeking Knowledge:

Acquiring knowledge, particularly Islamic knowledge, is considered a virtuous act. A pious Muslim may study the Quran, Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad), and other religious texts to deepen their understanding of Islam.

Maintaining Family Values:

Piety extends to family life, with a focus on maintaining strong family bonds, fulfilling spousal and parental responsibilities, and fostering a harmonious and respectful home environment.

Respecting Elders and Authorities:

Piety includes respecting elders and those in positions of authority while promoting justice and fairness in society.

Honesty and Integrity:

A pious person is expected to be honest and maintain a high level of integrity in their dealings with others, whether in business, personal relationships, or social interactions.

It’s important to note that piety is a deeply personal and spiritual journey in Islam, and the expression of piety can vary from person to person. It is not just about outward rituals but also about the inner sincerity and intention with which one carries out their actions in service to Allah.

Is pious a good thing?

Whether “pious” is considered a good thing or not depends on individual perspectives and cultural contexts.

Pious typically refers to a strong devotion or reverence towards religious beliefs, practices, or moral principles. In many religious and moral frameworks, being pious is seen as virtuous and commendable. It often signifies a person’s commitment to their faith, moral values, and a sense of duty or responsibility to adhere to these principles.

However, opinions about piety can vary. Some may view excessive piety as overly rigid or dogmatic, potentially leading to intolerance or closed-mindedness. Others may see it as a positive and admirable trait that promotes ethical behavior and a sense of community.

Ultimately, whether piousness is considered good or not depends on one’s values, beliefs, and the specific context in which it is expressed. It’s important to respect diverse perspectives and engage in thoughtful dialogue when discussing matters related to piety and religious or moral devotion.

What is a synonym for pious?

A synonym for “pious” is “devout.” Other synonyms for “pious” include:








Sanctimonious (though this term can carry a negative connotation, implying hypocrisy)



The choice of synonym may depend on the specific context in which you want to use the word “pious.”

Pious person meaning and 10 synonyms


What is an example of piety?

An example of piety is when someone demonstrates deep devotion, reverence, and respect towards their religious beliefs, practices, or moral principles. Piety often involves acts of devotion, worship, or moral integrity that reflect a strong commitment to one’s faith or values. Here are a few examples:

Regular attendance at religious services: Someone who faithfully attends their place of worship, such as a church, mosque, temple, or synagogue, to participate in religious rituals and ceremonies.

Prayer and meditation: Engaging in daily prayers, meditation, or contemplation as a way to connect with a higher power or to reflect on one’s spiritual beliefs and values.

Acts of charity and kindness: Demonstrating piety by helping those in need, giving to charity, and performing acts of kindness in line with one’s religious or moral convictions.

Observing religious traditions and rituals: Adhering to the customs, traditions, and rituals of one’s faith, such as fasting during Ramadan for Muslims, observing Passover for Jews, or celebrating Easter for Christians.

Moral integrity and ethical behavior: Upholding ethical principles and moral values in everyday life, guided by one’s religious or philosophical convictions.

Studying religious texts: Devoting time to studying sacred scriptures and religious texts to deepen one’s understanding of their faith and its teachings.

It’s important to note that piety can take various forms and may differ from one person or religious tradition to another.

What does have piety mean?

Piety refers to a strong sense of devotion, reverence, or religiousness, often directed toward a deity or a particular religious belief or practice. It involves a deep respect and commitment to religious principles, rituals, and moral values. Piety can also extend beyond religion and refer to a profound sense of duty or loyalty to a cause, person, or set of principles.

In a religious context, piety often involves acts of worship, prayer, and adherence to religious laws and traditions. It is seen as a virtue in many religious traditions and is associated with a person’s commitment to living a morally upright and spiritually fulfilling life.

However, the concept of piety can vary across different cultures and religious beliefs, so its exact meaning and expression may differ from one context to another.

What is piety mean in the Bible?

In the Bible, the term “piety” is not used as frequently as in some other religious or philosophical texts, and its meaning can vary depending on the context. Piety generally refers to a deep sense of reverence, devotion, and obedience to God or to religious principles. It implies a sincere and faithful commitment to one’s religious beliefs and practices.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, the concept of piety is often associated with fear of the Lord, obedience to God’s commandments, and a righteous and upright way of life. For example, in the Book of Proverbs, it is written, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7, ESV).

In the New Testament, piety is also emphasized, especially in the teachings of Jesus and the writings of the apostles. It involves not only outward acts of religious devotion but also an inward transformation of the heart and a genuine love for God and one’s fellow human beings. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus teaches about prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as acts of piety, emphasizing the importance of doing them with a sincere heart rather than for show (Matthew 6:1-18).

In summary, in the Bible, piety is a concept that encompasses devotion, reverence, and obedience to God or religious principles. It involves a genuine and heartfelt commitment to living a righteous and godly life in accordance with one’s faith.

Pious person meaning and 10 synonyms

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