The Loyalty of Slave Yerka with Hazrat Umar (RA).

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The Loyalty of Slave Yerka with Hazrat Umar (RA).

The Loyalty of Slave Yerka with Hazrat Umar (RA).

A Journey of Compassion and Reflection.

Hazrat Umar (RA) ever had any wish did not.

One day, when he wanted to eat fish, he expressed it to his slave Yerka.
Yerka was your very loyal slave. One day you said that Yerka likes to eat fish today.
But the problem is that you have to go eight miles away to the river to get fish and come back eight miles with fish.
Then you said, “Don’t eat, don’t eat. It’s not good to put yourself to so much trouble for a small desire that you go 10 miles and come back 8 miles just for my fish?”
Leave it. If it was close, it was another matter.

Ghulam says I was your servant for many years but you never made any wish but today you made a wish
So I thought in my heart that Hazrat Umar Farooq has made a wish for the first time and I will not fulfill it.
How can this happen?
Ghulam says that Mr. Umar went to perform the Zuhr prayer, so I knew that some guests had come to him, and his Asr would be performed there.

Ghulam says that I prayed behind Hazrat Umar, and after praying two rak’ahs of Sunnah, I was sitting on a horse, an Arabian horse, and I ran and reached the river.
What do you call a horse of Arabian breed eight miles??
On reaching there, I bought a box of fish and I returned before Hazrat Umar’s Asr prayer and I tied the horse in the cool shade so that the sweat it had sweated would dry. And do not see Hazrat Umar Farooq anywhere

Ghulam says that the sweat of the horse dried up, but due to the sweat, dust had settled on the horse, which was clearly visible that the horse had gone on a journey somewhere. Then I thought that Hazrat Umar may not see Farooq.
Then I hurriedly took the horse to the well and gave him a quick bath and tied him up in the shade. (What happens when we have desires but are afraid to fulfill these desires because the conscience is alive)

He says that when Hazrat Umar Farooq came after offering Asr prayer, I also prayed behind him.
When I came home, I said, Holy Prophet has fulfilled your wish.
The fish has been arranged and I will cook the fish in a little while and serve it.
He says that when I said this word, Mr. Umar Farooq got up and went to the horse and rubbed his hand on the horse’s back.

He touched his legs and then went to his ears and picked up one of the horse’s ears and said, “Yerka, you washed the whole horse, but you did not remember to wipe the sweat from behind the ears.”
And here I forgot to add water.

Hazrat Umar sat on the ground on his knees and said
“Oh man, come here, I have no doubts about your loyalty
And I’m not a very good man either.
I’m not a prude either.
I pray
O Allah, forgive me by equalizing my good deeds and bad deeds.

I did not adopt any more piety and continued the conversation and started saying, my friend, tell me one thing, if this horse cries out to Allah on the Day of Resurrection, “O Allah, Omar made me travel 16 miles to fulfill one of His wishes.” Fixed
O Allah, I was an animal.
He was speechless
A journey of 16 miles to fulfill a wish

Then tell me, how will a weak man like me answer the horse’s question in front of the owner?”
Yerka says, “I did not cry so much because of my father’s death, as I cried today in my dream with this thought in front of me (here people show themselves to be their officers by demeaning their employees).”

The slave started crying Hazrat Umar Farooq said now In this way, add a little extra fodder to the horse and distribute the fish it has brought to the poor houses of Madinah and pray for your forgiveness for giving them this fish and also pray for the forgiveness of Omar.

“Hazrat Umar (RA): Some Major Contributions to Islam”

Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA) was the second Caliph of Islam and one of the closest companions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He played a crucial role in the early development and expansion of the Islamic state. Here are some of his major contributions to Islam:

Justice and Equality:

Umar (RA) was known for his strict adherence to justice and equality. During his caliphate, he established a reputation for treating all citizens, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, with fairness and justice.

He introduced many reforms to ensure the fair distribution of wealth and resources. His policies aimed at eradicating poverty and ensuring that the needs of all citizens were met.

Social Reforms:

Umar implemented several social reforms to address societal issues. He established a welfare state, providing financial assistance to the poor and needy through the state treasury.

He set up a system of stipends for widows, orphans, and those in need. This helped create a safety net for vulnerable members of society.

The Loyalty of Slave Yerka with Hazrat Umar (RA).

Administrative Reforms:

Umar is credited with organizing the administrative structure of the Islamic state. He established the Diwan, a central registry to maintain records of income and expenditure, ensuring transparency and accountability in governance.

Under his leadership, the Islamic state expanded rapidly. He appointed capable governors to oversee different regions, and he personally ensured that they ruled with justice and integrity.

Legal Reforms:

Umar played a crucial role in the codification of Islamic law. He appointed a committee of scholars to collect, compile, and organize the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) into a legal code.

The resulting compilation, known as the “Umaric Code,” laid the foundation for the later development of Islamic jurisprudence.

Educational Initiatives:

Umar took steps to promote education and knowledge. He encouraged the acquisition of knowledge and established schools and learning centers.

His emphasis on education contributed to the intellectual and cultural development of the Muslim community.

Military Expansion:

During his caliphate, the Islamic state expanded its territory significantly. Umar led successful military campaigns against the Byzantine and Persian empires, bringing large areas under Islamic rule.

Despite the military conquests, Umar emphasized justice and humane treatment of conquered people, ensuring their religious freedom and protection of their property.

Public Morality and Accountability:

Umar set high standards of public morality and held public officials accountable for their actions. He was known for his accessibility to the public and his strict adherence to personal integrity.

Hazrat Umar’s contributions to Islam were not only limited to the time of his caliphate but have had a lasting impact on Islamic governance, justice, and societal welfare. His legacy continues to be revered by Muslims as a model of leadership and piety.


The story highlights a poignant reflection on the consequences of one’s desires and actions, emphasizing the importance of empathy, humility, and ethical considerations.

Desires and Consequences: Hazrat Umar Farooq expresses a simple desire for fish, but the narrative brings attention to the significant efforts and sacrifices made by his loyal slave, Yerka, to fulfill that desire. The story prompts readers to reflect on the potential impact of our desires on others and the lengths they might go to fulfill them.

Empathy and Humility: Hazrat Umar Farooq demonstrates humility and empathy when he inspects the horse that Yerka used for the journey. Instead of focusing solely on his own desire being fulfilled, he notices the horse’s discomfort and appreciates the extent of Yerka’s efforts. This teaches a valuable lesson about considering the well-being of others and showing gratitude for their sacrifices.

Ethical Dilemma: Ghulam, the narrator, faces an ethical dilemma when Hazrat Umar Farooq expresses a desire. Despite years of loyalty, Ghulam contemplates not fulfilling the wish due to the rarity of such requests. This raises questions about moral integrity and the balance between personal convictions and duties toward others.

Forgiveness and Redemption: Hazrat Umar Farooq acknowledges his imperfections and prays for forgiveness, showcasing humility and a recognition of human fallibility. This serves as a reminder that everyone, regardless of status, is susceptible to mistakes, and seeking forgiveness is a path to redemption.

The Weight of Responsibility: The story concludes with Yerka’s emotional response to the realization that he may be held accountable for the horse’s journey on the Day of Resurrection. This serves as a powerful metaphor for the responsibility that those in positions of authority bear for the well-being of those under their care.

In conclusion, the narrative weaves together elements of desire, sacrifice, empathy, humility, ethical considerations, forgiveness, and the weight of responsibility. It encourages readers to contemplate their own actions, the impact on others, and the importance of ethical conduct in both personal and leadership roles.

The Loyalty of Slave Yerka with Hazrat Umar (RA).


What was Hazrat Umar famous for?

Hazrat Umar, also known as Umar ibn al-Khattab, was the second Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate, following the death of Abu Bakr. He is widely regarded as one of the most prominent and influential companions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and played a crucial role in the early development of Islam. Hazrat Umar is particularly famous for several aspects:

Military Achievements: Umar played a key role in expanding the Muslim empire through military conquests during his caliphate. Under his leadership, significant territories, including parts of the Byzantine and Sassanian empires, were brought under Islamic rule.

Administrative Reforms: Umar is known for introducing various administrative reforms during his caliphate. He established a system of welfare for the poor and needy, initiated the practice of recording important events, and developed a comprehensive system of justice.

Social Justice: Umar was known for his strict adherence to justice and equality. He is famously reported to have said, “Even if a dog dies hungry on the banks of the Euphrates, Umar will be responsible for dereliction of duty.”

Simplicity and Humility: Hazrat Umar was known for his simple lifestyle and humility despite holding a position of great power. He would often go out in disguise at night to assess the condition of the people and ensure their well-being.

Legal Contributions: Umar contributed significantly to the development of Islamic jurisprudence. His decisions and judgments laid the foundation for many legal principles in Islamic law.

Contribution to Codification of the Quran: During his caliphate, Umar played a key role in the collection and codification of the Quranic revelations into a single, organized book.

Hazrat Umar’s leadership and contributions to Islam have left a lasting legacy, and he is highly respected by Muslims for his dedication to justice, administrative wisdom, and devotion to the principles of Islam.

Why was Umar assassinated?

Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second Caliph of Islam, was assassinated in 644 CE. The circumstances surrounding his assassination are complex and have been a subject of historical debate. The primary sources for this event come from early Islamic histories, and the details may vary.

Umar was stabbed by a Persian slave named Abu Luluah (also known as Firoz). The motivations behind the assassination are not entirely clear, but there are several theories:

Personal Vendetta: Some sources suggest that Abu Luluah had a personal grudge against Umar, possibly due to an incident in which Umar had punished or mistreated him.

Revenge for Conquests: Another theory is that Abu Luluah may have resented the Arab conquests, as he was of Persian origin. The rapid expansion of the Islamic state during Umar’s caliphate might have fueled resentment among non-Arab populations.

Mental Health Issues: Some accounts propose that Abu Luluah may have been mentally unstable, and his actions were driven by personal issues rather than political or ideological motivations.

Political Motivations: There are also historical narratives that suggest the possibility of political motivations behind Umar’s assassination. Some factions within the Muslim community may have disagreed with Umar’s policies or leadership style.

It’s important to note that historical records from this period are not always precise, and there may be differing accounts of events. As a result, the exact reasons for Umar’s assassination may never be definitively known.

How much area did Hazrat Umar conquered?

Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second Caliph of Islam, played a significant role in the expansion of the Islamic empire during his reign from 634 to 644 CE. Under his leadership, the Islamic Caliphate expanded into several regions.

Some of the major territories that were conquered during Hazrat Umar’s caliphate include:

  1. Syria: The Muslims, under the command of Khalid ibn al-Walid, conquered Syria, including the important city of Damascus in 634 CE.

  2. Egypt: The Muslim forces, led by Amr ibn al-As, conquered Egypt in 640 CE.

  3. Iraq and Persia: The Muslim armies, commanded by Saad ibn Abi Waqqas and others, conquered Iraq and parts of Persia during Hazrat Umar’s caliphate.

  4. Jerusalem: The city of Jerusalem was captured by the Muslims in 637 CE, during the caliphate of Umar.

It’s important to note that while Hazrat Umar played a crucial role in these conquests, the actual military campaigns were led by skilled commanders, including Khalid ibn al-Walid, Amr ibn al-As, and others. The expansion of the Islamic empire continued under subsequent caliphs.

The exact area conquered can be challenging to quantify precisely, and historical records may vary. The primary focus during Hazrat Umar’s caliphate was on consolidating and administering the territories rather than extensive territorial expansion. The conquests laid the foundation for the Islamic Caliphate’s growth, and subsequent caliphs continued to expand and govern the empire.

What prophet said about Hazrat Umar?

Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, spoke highly of Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab, one of his closest companions and the second Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate. There are various hadiths (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad) that highlight the virtues and qualities of Hazrat Umar.

One well-known hadith is the following:

“Among the nation (of Muslims), the one with the greatest sense of dignity is Umar ibn al-Khattab.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

This hadith emphasizes Hazrat Umar’s sense of dignity and honor. Prophet Muhammad also praised Umar’s role in spreading Islam and his dedication to justice. Umar was known for his strong character, leadership skills, and commitment to the welfare of the Muslim community.

It’s important to note that the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad are documented in collections of hadiths, with Sahih al-Bukhari being one of the most trusted sources among Muslims.

The Loyalty of Slave Yerka with Hazrat Umar (RA).

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