Allah will grant according to His glory

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Allah will grant according to His glory

Allah will grant according to His glory

The era of Mahmud Ghaznavi was…
When anyone got sick, they went to the doctor.

And he said that making medicine for me, the doctor said that all the things required for medicine are there except honey, if you bring honey from somewhere, I will prepare the medicine.

The man took a box from Hakim and went and started knocking on people’s doors
But there was disappointment everywhere
When the problem was not resolved, he appeared in the court of Mahmud Ghaznavi
There, Ayaz opened the door and listened to the knocker, he gave the small box and said that I want honey in it.

Ayaz then brought the box to the king and stated, “King Salamat, a beggar needs honey.”

The king took the box and placed it aside and asked Ayaz to take three big boxes of honey and give them to him.

Ayaz said, Huzoor, he needs a little
Why are you giving three boxes?
The king said to Ayaz
He is a working man, he has demanded according to his position

We are kings, we will give according to our position.
Maulana Rumi says.
Ask Allah according to your status and He will grant according to His glory, because Allah is the King of kings.

Glory according to Islamic concepts

In Islamic concepts, “glory” is often associated with the majesty, greatness, and magnificence of Allah (God). It encompasses attributes such as His power, mercy, wisdom, and sovereignty. The term “glory” (in Arabic, “عزة” or “عظمة”) is frequently used in the Quran and Islamic teachings to describe the exalted and transcendent nature of Allah.

Here are some aspects of glory in Islamic concepts:

Divine Majesty:

Glory in Islam reflects the awe-inspiring nature of Allah. It emphasizes His absolute greatness and supremacy over all creation. Muslims believe that Allah’s glory is beyond human comprehension and imagination.

Moral and Spiritual Eminence:

Glory in Islamic teachings also extends to moral and spiritual excellence. Muslims strive to uphold virtues such as honesty, justice, compassion, and humility, reflecting the divine attributes of Allah.

Submission and Surrender:

Glory is also linked to submission and surrender to the will of Allah. Muslims believe that true honor and dignity lie in obedience to God’s commands and adherence to Islamic principles.

Day of Judgment:

The concept of glory in Islam includes the belief in the Day of Judgment, where Allah’s glory will be fully manifested. On that day, everyone will be held accountable for their actions, and Allah’s justice and mercy will prevail.

Manifestation in Creation:

Muslims perceive Allah’s glory manifested in His creation. The universe with its vastness, complexity, and order is seen as a reflection of Allah’s glory and power.

Expressions in Worship:

Muslims express the glory of Allah through various acts of worship, such as prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage (Hajj). These acts serve as reminders of Allah’s greatness and serve to strengthen the bond between the believer and the Creator.

Overall, in Islamic concepts, glory is inseparable from the attributes and nature of Allah. It encompasses His greatness, majesty, sovereignty, and perfection, as well as the moral and spiritual ideals that believers strive to embody.

Glory and honor and power lyrics

The phrase “glory and honor and power” appears in various religious and worship songs. One notable example is from the Christian hymn “Revelation Song.” The lyrics are inspired by the biblical book of Revelation and express praise and adoration to God. Here is an excerpt from the chorus:

“Glory and honor and power Unto the Lord our God For the Lamb who was slain He is our love”

Keep in mind that there may be other songs or contexts where similar lyrics are used, so the specific song you’re referring to might have slightly different wording. If you have a particular song in mind, providing more details could help narrow down the search.

Allah will grant according to His glory


The era of Mahmud Ghaznavi, also known as Mahmud of Ghazni, was during the 11th century. Mahmud Ghaznavi was a prominent ruler of the Ghaznavid Empire, reigning from 998 to 1030.

The story you shared reflects a lesson that Maulana Rumi conveys through the actions of Mahmud Ghaznavi. The message emphasizes the idea of seeking from Allah according to one’s status and understanding that Allah, being the King of kings, will grant blessings according to His glory.

In the context of the story, when the beggar sought a small amount of honey, Mahmud Ghaznavi, representing the concept of asking according to one’s status, gave generously, providing three big boxes of honey. The king’s response illustrates the notion that individuals should seek from Allah based on their needs, and Allah, being the ultimate provider, will bestow blessings according to His greatness.

Maulana Rumi’s teaching encourages people to have faith in Allah’s wisdom and generosity, trusting that their requests will be answered in accordance with their circumstances and Allah’s divine plan.


What is the full meaning of Glory?

The term “Glory” has multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are a few possible interpretations:

Great Honor or Praise: Glory can refer to great honor, praise, or distinction accorded by common consent; renown or a highly praiseworthy asset. For example, achieving glory in one’s career or receiving glory for a remarkable accomplishment.

Radiant Beauty or Splendor: Glory can also denote radiant beauty, splendor, or magnificence. This usage is often seen in descriptions of nature, art, or other aesthetically pleasing things.

Heavenly Splendor or Divine Radiance: In a religious or spiritual context, glory can refer to the divine radiance or presence of God. It’s often used to describe the magnificent and awe-inspiring nature of the divine.

Public Acknowledgment of Achievement: Glory can also be associated with public acknowledgment or recognition for significant achievements, especially in the context of sports or competitions. Winning a championship or receiving accolades may be described as achieving glory.

The meaning of “glory” can vary based on the cultural, historical, or personal context in which it is used.

What is Glory of a person?

The “glory” of a person is often interpreted subjectively and can have different meanings depending on the context and perspective. In general, it refers to the honor, renown, or admiration that someone achieves through their actions, accomplishments, character, or reputation.

Here are a few aspects that contribute to the glory of a person:

Achievements: This includes notable successes, accomplishments, or contributions made by an individual in their personal or professional life. These achievements could be in various fields such as academics, sports, arts, business, etc.

Character: A person’s moral integrity, values, and virtues contribute significantly to their glory. Traits like honesty, courage, kindness, and resilience often enhance one’s reputation and earn them admiration from others.

Influence and Impact: The extent to which a person positively influences others or makes a significant impact on their community, society, or the world at large can also be seen as part of their glory.

Recognition and Respect: Being recognized and respected by peers, colleagues, friends, and society as a whole is another aspect of glory. This recognition may come in the form of awards, accolades, titles, or simply the esteem of others.

Legacy: The lasting impact that a person leaves behind, even after they are gone, contributes to their glory. This can include their contributions to culture, science, technology, philosophy, or any other aspect of human endeavor.

Overall, the glory of a person is a multifaceted concept that encompasses their achievements, character, influence, recognition, and legacy, all of which contribute to their reputation and standing in the eyes of others.

What is the synonym of Glory?

Synonyms for “glory” include:











Does Glory mean proud?

While “glory” and “proud” are related concepts, they have distinct meanings. “Glory” generally refers to honor, praise, or distinction achieved through notable achievements or qualities. It often involves a sense of admiration or renown earned by someone or something. For example, winning a championship might bring glory to a sports team.

On the other hand, “proud” relates more directly to a feeling of deep satisfaction or pleasure derived from one’s own achievements, qualities, or associations. When someone is proud, they experience a positive emotion tied to their accomplishments or the achievements of someone they are connected to.

In summary, while both “glory” and “proud” can be associated with achievement and positive recognition, “glory” is often external acknowledgment or renown, whereas “proud” is an internal feeling of satisfaction or pleasure.

Allah will grant according to His glory


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