How do we get a justice ruler on my screen present era (Hazrat Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib and Hazrat Umar)

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How do we get a justice ruler on my screen present era

How do we get a justice ruler on my screen present era?

Hazrat Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib and Hazrat Umar

The house of Syedna Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) was next to Masjid-e-Nabvi, and the Parnala of this house was towards the mosque. When it rained, water would fall down from the Parnala, sprinkling on the worshippers. Syedna Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) uprooted the whole canal when he saw people splashing on the worshipers.
Syedna Abbas came and saw that the main sewer of his house had been removed, and asked who pulled it. The answer was received: When the leader of the believers saw it being sprayed on the worshipers, he removed it.

What did Syedna Abbas present the judge with a case?

Syedna Abbas presented the judge with a case. Chief Justice is Abi bin Kaab, may Allah be pleased with him. When Amir al-Muminin appeared in the court of Abi bin Kaab, may Allah be pleased with him, the judge was hearing the cases of people and Syedna Umar was waiting outside the court, after a long wait, when Syedna Umar appeared in front of the court, he started talking, but Abi Bin Kaab (may Allah be pleased with him) stopped that the first claimant has the right to present his claim. This is the Chief Justice of the age of Umar. Syedna Abbas claims that the sewer of my house was from the beginning towards Masjid-e-Nabvi, after the era of Prophet-Nabvi it remained the same in the era of Syedna Abu Bakr, but Umar removed the sewer of my home without my permission in my absence, so I Justice is needed, Chief Justice Abi bin Kaab (may Allah be pleased with him) says that you should not worry, you will get justice.

Why did you bring down the drain of Syedna Abbas’s house?

The judge asked Syedna Umar, why did you bring down the drain of Syedna Abbas’s house? The ruler of twenty-two lakh square miles stands in the court and says, the Parnala of Syedna Abbas’s house was towards Masjid-e-Nabvi. When it rains, water flows out of the drain and sprinkles fall on the worshipers, which causes problems for the worshipers, so I Took it off,
Abi bin Kaab saw that Syedna Abbas wanted to say something, asked what do you want to say? Syedna Abbas (RA) says the place where my house is, the Prophet ( peace be upon him ) marked me with his stick, and I built the house there. Then when the time came to install the drain, the Prophet (PBUH) said, my uncle. Standing on the shoulder and installing a drain on this place. I refused to stand on the shoulder of the Holy Prophet ( peace be upon him ), but at the insistence of my nephew, I stood on his shoulder and installed a drain here. Here is the canal of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) planted it himself.

Syedna Abbas present the judge with a case

Abi bin Kaaba asked, do you have any witnesses for this?

Syedna Abbas went out quickly and brought some Ansar. He testified that Syedna Abbas was telling the truth. Syedna Umar lost his senses and started crying as soon as he heard this.
There was a storm of tears, I remembered my beloved Prophet, and the sight of the Prophet’s era turned around in my eyes. This ruler of twenty-two lakh square miles is standing bowing down in front of everyone in the court, hearing whose name used to shiver in the houses of Qaiser and Kasri. Said Syedna Abbas, I did not know that this pipe was planted by the Prophet ( peace be upon him )  himself. You come with me, just like the Prophet ( peace be upon him ) planted this canal, you plant it in the same way.
The eye of the universe has seen!  The ruler of the time stood up with both hands stuck against the wall of the house, just like the Prophet ( peace be upon him ) stood on the shoulders of Syedna Abbas Amir al-Muminin and put the drain on the same place again. Seeing this behavior of the ruler of the time, Syedna Abbas dedicated his house to Masjid Nabvi.
Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal’s support, 1/210, Hadith No: 1790


By Allâh, Who has sent you in Truth, we are strong enough to put the people of Mina (the Quraishites) to our swords tomorrow, if you wish, Al’Abbas bin Adalah stated. We are not obligated to enroll in the course, Muhammad stated. Back to your camps now.” They returned to bed and slept until dawn.
Abd-Allah became taller as his knowledge increased. When I saw Ibn Abbas, I would always think, “He is the most gorgeous of men,” according to Masruq ibn al Ajda. He is the most eloquent of guys, I would exclaim whenever he talked. He was one of the first Quran experts and was referred to as the “Sea of Knowledge.” According to legend, Abdullah Ibn Abbas (R.A.) memorized 1,666 proverbs. Hadiths of Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W.) have been collected and verified in the Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim collections.
One of the Righteous Caliphs is considered to be Hazrat Umar (RA). His boldness, awareness of issues, and leadership abilities were traits that best described his personality. He built a regular and central government after becoming Khilafah. Social justice was one of the defining characteristics of ‘Umar ibn al Khattab that best characterized him. For him, social justice meant redistributing wealth and power in a way that, when started from the bottom of society, would eventually reach all its strata. According to Abu Huraira, the Prophet stated, “There were persons among the Bani Israel who lived before you who used to get inspiration for instruction even though they were not prophets, Umar is one of those people, assuming there are any of them among my fans. Umar was the first Muslim ruler to extend the Islamic empire outside of the Arabian Peninsula. During his time as caliph, he helped the Sassanids take control of Mesopotamia and some of Persia, while the Byzantine Empire lost control of Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Armenia, and North Africa.
Syedna Abbas’s house


Who was Al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib?

Al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, also known as al-Abbs ibn Abd al-Mualib, was Muhammad’s paternal uncle and a Sahabi (companion), just three years older than his nephew. He lived in the period between 565 and 653 CE. He was a prosperous trader who guarded Muhammad in Mecca during the early years of Islam. He only converted after the Battle of Badr in 624 CE, though (2 AH). In the year 750, his offspring established the Abbasid dynasty. 

What is his life history?

Abbas was one of Abd al-younger Muttalib’s sons and was born about 565 CE. Natalya bint Janab, a member of the Namir tribe, was his mother. He took over the Zamzam Well and the water delivery to the pilgrims after his father passed away. He started selling spices in Mecca, a career that paid well and a trade that made him wealthy.
becoming an Islamist
Abbas protected his relative during the period (610–622) when the Muslim religion was expanding, but he did not convert to the faith. Although he served as a spokesperson for the Second Pledge of Aqaba, he did not immigrate to Medina.

When did he embrace Islam?

Abbas was taken prisoner at the Battle of Badr after fighting for the polytheists. Al-Abbas was permitted to kidnap Muhammad, his nephew, and himself.
Ibn Hisham claimed that Abbas had converted to Islam in secret before the Battle of Badr, although Tabari’s citation of the same source omits a definite claim to that effect. Some accounts claim that he embraced Islam soon after the Battle of Badr. The implication in other places is that Abbas did not openly embrace Islam until January 630, right before Mecca fell, 20 years after his wife Lubaba had the conversion. Then Muhammad gave him the title “last of the migrants” (Muhajirun), entitling him to the battle booty.

His ancestors have continued to have the privilege of giving Zamzam water to pilgrims, which was granted to him.
Abbas joined Muhammad’s army right away and took part in the conquest of Mecca, the Battle of Hunayn, and the Ta’if Siege. When other soldiers turned on Muhammad at Hunayn, he stood up for him.   Following these military victories, Abbas relocated his family to Medina, where Muhammad routinely paid them visits and even made a marriage proposal to his daughter.
Abbas afterward took part in the expedition to Tabuk.

What is the death date of Al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib?

At 89 years old, Abbas passed away in February of 653. He is interred in Medina, Saudi Arabia’s Jannatul Baqee cemetery.

Who was Al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib

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