The pot of gold and a poor lumberjack interesting story

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The pot of gold and a poor lumberjack interesting story

The pot of gold and a poor lumberjack interesting story

A poor lumberjack lived near the forest. He would go to the forest every day, cut the wood and take it to the city and sell it. He also dug the ground with the thought that someday maybe he would find a treasure from it and his life would be better.

With the same hope, he used to carry a shovel and an axe with him in the forest every day. One day, he started digging the ground in search of treasure. Suddenly, he saw a huge pot. He was very happy to see the pot and started thinking in his heart,” it seems. That there is a treasure hidden inside that pot, So for someone dug up the ground near a tree in the forest and pressed it.

He happily went to the pot so that he could put his hand in it and see the treasure. When he put his hand in the pot. So he realized that the pot was completely empty inside, he picked up the pot in anger and put it behind the tree.

For a while he kept digging the ground in search of the treasure, but he couldn’t get anything. He picked up an axe in anger and threw it near the tree and Tired and sat by the tree.
Suddenly he looked at the pot, he saw that the axe was in the pot and now there were 100 axes in the pot. He was very surprised to see these axes, and at the same time he understood that this pot is not an ordinary pot, but this

There is a magic pot, when one of his axes turned into a 100. He happily picked up the pot and brought it home. The lumberjack hid the pot in a room. At night he put mangoes in it to try the magic pot again. Pour it, after a while he saw that there were 100 mangoes in the pot.

Now he is convinced that it is really a magical pot. He took gold coins etc from that pot and kept selling them and became rich. After he became rich, he helped other poor people. He used to help if a poor person came to him, he would never return it empty handed.
This is why he became famous all over the country for his generosity, the story of his sudden becoming rich and the magic pot spread everywhere. The king of this country also received the news of the magic pot.

The king was very greedy. He had his own treasure very. All the treasure was present, nevertheless he had a lust for more treasure. He thought that if he found this pot, his treasure would add more. With this thought, the king ordered that the woodpecker and his pot be brought to the palace. Servants they went and fulfilled the king’s order and took the woodpecker along with the pot and brought it to the palace. The king took the pot from the woodpeckers and began to inspect it.

Suddenly he could not hold his steps and his foot fell into the pot. Now the magic pot. Because of the reason 100 kings came out. Similarly, there was one real king among the 100 kings, the rest were magic. They all started fighting each other because of greed and greed, they all killed each other because of the greed of the magic pot.

Because of greed Even the real king himself did not survive. The lumberjack quietly picked up his magic pot and took it home.
It is a bad thing to be greedy for the result. If someone has something better than you, do not envy him, but be thankful for what you have.

The phrase “greed is good” gained popularity through the 1987 movie Wall Street, where the character Gordon Gekko, played by Michael Douglas, delivers a famous speech espousing the benefits of greed. The idea Gekko presented was that self-interest, in the form of greed, drives innovation, economic growth, and societal advancement.

Greed is good

Here’s a detailed exploration of the idea that “greed is good”:

1. Economic Perspective

Self-Interest as Motivation: In a capitalist system, greed—or rather, self-interest—can be a driving force for individuals and corporations to achieve more. People work harder, take risks, and innovate when there’s a potential reward. This can lead to economic growth and wealth generation.

Competitive Markets: In theory, the pursuit of profit motivates companies to create better products, improve services, and lower prices. As firms compete, consumers benefit from higher quality and more affordable goods, ultimately making the economy more efficient.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Many technological advancements and business ventures have been the result of individuals pursuing wealth. Entrepreneurs and business leaders, driven by profit motives, can create jobs and improve standards of living through their innovations.

2. The Social Argument

Wealth Creation: When individuals pursue wealth, they often create opportunities for others. For example, when a business grows, it hires more people, expands supply chains, and drives economic activity in local and global communities.

Charitable Giving: Some argue that wealth accumulation, even driven by greed, can lead to philanthropy. Wealthy individuals or corporations often reinvest in society through charitable donations, foundations, or social initiatives. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, for instance, amassed large fortunes but are now known for their charitable contributions.

3. Philosophical Underpinnings

Ayn Rand’s Objectivism: This concept is closely tied to Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism, which emphasizes rational self-interest as the moral foundation of a prosperous society. In her view, greed, or the pursuit of one’s own happiness and success, is ethical because it leads to a better life for oneself and indirectly improves society.

Natural Human Behavior: Some believe that greed is part of human nature. Historically, the drive to accumulate resources, status, and power has played a role in human survival and societal development. Modern proponents of the “greed is good” argument may claim that greed is simply harnessing this natural tendency for the benefit of the economy.

4. Practical Benefits

Increased Investment: Greed motivates individuals and businesses to invest in new ventures and markets. This drives economic growth, technological advancements, and job creation.

Risk-Taking: Greed can encourage risk-taking, as people chase high rewards. While risk-taking can lead to financial bubbles or failures, it is also responsible for breakthroughs in industries ranging from technology to medicine.

Financial Markets: In the context of Wall Street, greed is viewed as a catalyst for the functioning of financial markets. Investors seek out profits, which helps allocate capital efficiently across the economy.

5. Counterarguments and Ethical Considerations

While some see greed as beneficial, there are also significant concerns:

Inequality: The unchecked pursuit of profit can lead to income inequality and wealth concentration in the hands of a few, which can create social tensions and destabilize economies.

Environmental Degradation: Greed can lead to the exploitation of natural resources, contributing to environmental harm and climate change. Profit-driven decisions may prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability.

Corporate Malfeasance: Excessive greed has been blamed for corporate scandals, market manipulation, and economic crises. The 2008 financial crisis, for example, was partly driven by irresponsible risk-taking in pursuit of short-term profits.

Moral Questions: Many argue that while some degree of self-interest is natural and even beneficial, unchecked greed can be damaging to society. There’s a fine line between ambition and exploitation, and greed, if left unchecked, can encourage unethical behavior.

The concept that “greed is good” is complex. While self-interest can drive progress, innovation, and economic growth, unchecked greed has negative consequences like inequality, exploitation, and moral decay. The challenge is in balancing the pursuit of individual wealth with the collective good of society.

The pot of gold and a poor lumberjack interesting story


The story of the magic pot teaches us a valuable lesson about greed and contentment. The poor lumberjack, through his hard work and hopeful spirit, discovers a magical pot that multiplies whatever is placed inside it. Initially using it wisely, he becomes wealthy and generous, helping others in need. However, when the greedy king seeks to possess the pot for himself, disaster strikes. His insatiable greed leads to chaos and destruction as the magic pot multiplies not wealth, but conflict and ultimately death.

The moral of the story reminds us of the dangers of unchecked greed and the importance of being content with what we have. It underscores the idea that true wealth comes not just from material possessions, but from using our blessings wisely and sharing them with others. The lumberjack’s journey from poverty to prosperity, tempered by humility and generosity, contrasts sharply with the tragic fate of those consumed by greed. Ultimately, it serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of letting greed overshadow our values and humanity.


What was the lumberjack’s daily routine and his aspiration?

The lumberjack lived near the forest and earned a living by cutting wood and selling it in the city. He also harbored a hope of finding a treasure one day by digging in the ground near the forest.

Moral Lesson: Persistence and hope can drive us to work hard and dream big, even in difficult circumstances.

Describe the lumberjack’s discovery of the magic pot?

One day, while digging in search of treasure, the lumberjack unearthed a large pot. Initially disappointed to find it empty, he later discovered that any object placed in the pot would multiply into a hundredfold.

Sometimes, treasures and opportunities come in unexpected forms. It’s important to recognize and value them when they appear.

How did the lumberjack’s life change after discovering the magic pot?

The lumberjack used the magic pot to become wealthy by multiplying gold coins and other valuables. He then became known for his generosity, helping other poor people in need.

Moral Lesson: Wealth and power should be used for the greater good, benefiting not just oneself but also others in need.

What happened when the king discovered the magic pot?

The greedy king, desiring more wealth despite already having abundant treasures, confiscated the magic pot. When he accidentally stepped into it, a hundred kings emerged from the pot and fought each other, leading to their mutual destruction.

Moral Lesson: Greed and selfishness can lead to destructive consequences, even for those in positions of power.

How did the story conclude for the lumberjack and the magic pot?

After witnessing the tragic outcome of the king’s greed, the lumberjack quietly retrieved his magic pot and returned home. He continued to use it wisely, ensuring it brought prosperity without causing harm.

Moral Lesson: Contentment and gratitude for what one has, along with responsible use of resources, lead to long-term happiness and peace.

What are moral lesson of this story?

Persistence and Hope: The lumberjack’s daily routine and aspiration to find treasure illustrate the value of persistence and hope in achieving goals.

Recognizing Opportunities: The discovery of the magic pot teaches us to recognize and appreciate unexpected opportunities for growth and prosperity.

Generosity and Responsibility: Using wealth and power responsibly, as demonstrated by the lumberjack, promotes generosity and improves the lives of others.

Consequences of Greed: The king’s fate highlights the destructive consequences of greed and selfishness, emphasizing the importance of contentment and ethical behavior.

Gratitude and Contentment: The lumberjack’s final actions and peaceful life underscore the importance of gratitude for what one has and the avoidance of unnecessary greed.

The pot of gold and a poor lumberjack interesting story

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