Repentance meaning in urdu

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Repentance meaning in urdu

Repentance meaning in urdu

The word “repentance” can be translated to Urdu as “توبہ” (pronounced as “toba”).

The incident of a thief’s repentance

There is an Arabic legend that a king was very worried about the marriage of his young daughter. He had been looking for a good and pious son-in-law for years. One day he called the minister and said that somehow for my daughter find a worshiper from among my subjects and present him.

The minister deployed his army around the city’s Jama Masjid and said, “Keep an eye out. Anyone who enters the mosque in the middle of the night will not be allowed to leave until I arrive.”

At the same time, a thief came out of the house with the intention of stealing and thought in his heart why not go to the city’s Jama Masjid today and steal the valuables mail of the mosque there.

As soon as the thief entered the mosque, the mosque deployed army, unaware of the thief, locked the mosque from outside and went to their homes.

Informed the Minister:

The troops informed the minister that it seems that a worshiper has come but we have locked the mosque . Now the mosque will be opened only after the morning call, then it will be known who it is. The minister hurried to the mosque and waited anxiously for the morning call so that the good man inside could be brought facing the king.

As soon as the mosque was opened, the minister entered with the contingent. The thief was shocked to see that he was caught today and hurriedly made the intention to pray. As soon as he finished the prayer, he would immediately stand up and make the intention again.

The minister was convinced of his worship. As soon as the prayer was over, the soldiers caught the thief and presented him to the king.

The minister said, “Peace, O king!”

The minister said, “Peace, O king!” This is the person that you want. He has been arrested from the mosque. He has been worshiping in the mosque all night. The thief’s condition is deteriorating. The king turned to the thief and said. What if I married my daughter to you and made you the crown prince of my kingdom? Do you agree?


The thief looked stunned. He asked nervously. Great job! Why this kindness?

The king said, “You are worshipers.” He stayed in the mosque all night and came out after the morning call. The thief began to think in his heart, ”

O Allah! I went to your house with the intention of stealing, but I false prayed with the intention of showing off, and in return you put the world at my feet. If I truly worships.” If i had recited Tahajjud at night, then what would have been your reward !!!

Standing there, he repented and repented.

Blessed are those people whose heart is in worship. At present the heart murmurs before its master. Leaving the comfortable beds, they stand on the mats. What will be their place in the sight of Allah? Cannot even imagine it.

Repentance is a concept often associated with religious and moral contexts. It refers to the act of feeling sincere remorse or regret for one’s actions, behaviors, or sins, and actively seeking forgiveness or a change in one’s ways.

Repentance typically involves acknowledging wrongdoing, feeling genuine contrition, and making a commitment to amend one’s behavior or seek forgiveness from a higher power, deity, or individuals affected by the actions.


In many religious traditions, repentance plays a significant role in the process of seeking forgiveness from God or a divine authority. It is often seen as a step towards spiritual renewal, redemption, and reconciliation. Different religions and belief systems have their own rituals, practices, and guidelines for repentance.

For example:

In Christianity, repentance is a fundamental concept. It involves recognizing one’s sins, feeling remorse, confessing to God, and turning away from sinful behavior. It is a central theme in the Christian doctrine of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

In Islam, repentance is known as “Tawbah.” It involves acknowledging one’s sins, feeling genuine regret, seeking forgiveness from Allah, and making a sincere effort to avoid repeating the sinful behavior.
In Judaism, repentance is called “Teshuvah.”

It is a central component of the High Holy Days, particularly during Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Jews are encouraged to reflect on their actions, seek forgiveness from both God and others, and make amends for their wrongdoings.

In Buddhism, repentance is seen as a way to purify the mind and spirit. Practitioners may engage in practices such as meditation, reflection, and the recitation of mantras or sutras to cleanse themselves of negative karma and regretful actions.

Outside of religious contexts, the concept of repentance can also apply to personal growth and moral development. People may reflect on their past actions, acknowledge mistakes, and actively work to become better individuals by making amends and striving for positive change.

Ultimately, repentance is a deeply personal and subjective process that varies among individuals and belief systems, but it generally involves a sincere desire for self-improvement and reconciliation.


Repentance is a complex and deeply personal concept that holds different meanings and significance for individuals and within various religious and philosophical traditions. In conclusion, here are some key points to consider about repentance:

Personal Growth: Repentance can be a crucial aspect of personal growth and self-improvement. It involves acknowledging one’s mistakes, feeling remorse, and taking steps to rectify or change one’s behavior.

Religious Significance: In many religious traditions, repentance is a central theme. It is often seen as a way to seek forgiveness from a higher power and to be reconciled with one’s faith community. Different religions have various rituals and practices associated with repentance.

Emotional Healing: Repentance can also be a means of emotional healing. Expressing remorse and seeking forgiveness can help repair damaged relationships and bring closure to unresolved conflicts.

Accountability: Repentance involves taking responsibility for one’s actions and their consequences. It signifies a willingness to face the repercussions of one’s behavior and make amends where possible.

Continual Process: Repentance is not a one-time event but a continual process. People may need to engage in self-reflection and repentance throughout their lives as they make mistakes and learn from them.

Forgiveness: Part of repentance often involves seeking forgiveness, either from others or from oneself. Forgiveness can be a powerful force for healing and reconciliation.

Cultural Variations: The concept of repentance varies across cultures and belief systems. What constitutes repentance and the rituals associated with it can differ significantly.

In essence, repentance is a multifaceted concept that encompasses personal growth, spiritual reconciliation, emotional healing, and accountability.

Its significance and practice can vary widely, but it remains a fundamental aspect of human experience and moral development.

Repentance meaning in urdu


What is the true meaning of repentance?

Repentance is a complex and deeply personal concept with different interpretations across religious, cultural, and philosophical traditions. Its true meaning can vary depending on one’s perspective, but in general terms, repentance often involves a profound change of heart, mind, and behavior characterized by remorse, regret, and a desire for moral or spiritual transformation.

Here are a few different perspectives on the meaning of repentance:

Religious Perspective: In many religious traditions, repentance is a central concept. For example, in Christianity, repentance is often associated with turning away from sin, confessing one’s sins to God, and seeking forgiveness.

It involves acknowledging wrongdoing, feeling genuine remorse, and making a commitment to live a more righteous or virtuous life. Similarly, in Islam, repentance (Tawbah) involves recognizing one’s sins, feeling remorse, and turning back to God with sincerity and a commitment to avoid sin.

Moral Perspective: From a secular or moral standpoint, repentance can be seen as a process of recognizing and taking responsibility for one’s harmful actions or decisions. It includes acknowledging the negative consequences of one’s behavior on others and oneself and making a sincere effort to change and make amends.

Psychological Perspective: Psychologically, repentance can be viewed as a form of self-reflection and personal growth. It involves recognizing and addressing past mistakes, learning from them, and striving to become a better person. It can be seen as a positive and healthy process of self-improvement.

Cultural Perspective: In some cultural contexts, repentance may be associated with rituals or ceremonies designed to cleanse or purify individuals or communities after wrongdoing. These rituals often symbolize a fresh start and a commitment to better behavior.

In essence, the true meaning of repentance is subjective and can vary from person to person and from one belief system to another.

However, at its core, it involves recognizing one’s faults, feeling genuine remorse, and making a sincere effort to change and, in many cases, seek forgiveness or reconciliation. It’s a concept deeply rooted in the idea of personal growth, accountability, and the pursuit of a more virtuous or ethical life.

What is repentance according to Bible?

Repentance, as described in the Bible, is a fundamental concept in Christian theology. It refers to the process of turning away from sin, seeking forgiveness, and making a genuine change in one’s thoughts, actions, and attitudes. Repentance is seen as a necessary step towards reconciliation with God and living a righteous and obedient life.

Several key passages in the Bible highlight the importance of repentance:

Matthew 4:17 (ESV): “From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.'”
Acts 3:19 (ESV): “Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out.”

2 Corinthians 7:10 (ESV): “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.”

Luke 15:7 (ESV): “Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”

These verses emphasize that true repentance involves not only feeling remorse or sorrow for one’s sins but also taking deliberate steps to change one’s behavior and seek forgiveness from God. It is a heartfelt response to recognizing one’s need for God’s mercy and grace.

Repentance is considered a central part of the Christian faith, and it is often associated with the process of salvation. It is seen as a means by which individuals can turn away from a life of sin, be reconciled with God, and begin a new life guided by faith and obedience to God’s commandments.

It’s important to note that different Christian denominations may have variations in their teachings on repentance and its role in salvation, but the concept of repentance as a turning away from sin and seeking forgiveness is generally consistent across Christian traditions.Repentance meaning in urdu

What are the 4 steps of repentance?

The concept of repentance varies across different religious and cultural traditions, so there may be variations in the steps or process associated with it. However, in many Abrahamic religions, such as Christianity and Islam, repentance often involves similar key steps:

Recognition of Wrongdoing: The first step in repentance is acknowledging and recognizing that you have committed a sin or done something wrong. This step involves self-reflection and an honest assessment of your actions.

Remorse and Sorrow: Once you recognize your wrongdoing, it’s important to feel genuine remorse and sorrow for your actions. This step involves regret and a sincere desire to make amends or seek forgiveness.

Repentance and Confession: In many religious traditions, repentance includes confessing your sins to a higher power, such as God, and seeking forgiveness. This step may involve prayer, confession to a religious leader, or a similar ritual.

Amendment and Atonement: After recognizing your wrongdoing, feeling remorse, and seeking forgiveness, the next step is to make amends for your actions and strive to avoid repeating them. This may involve taking concrete actions to rectify the harm caused by your actions and leading a more virtuous life.

These steps are meant to lead to a transformation of the individual’s behavior and a reconciliation with their faith or beliefs. Keep in mind that the specific steps and practices associated with repentance can vary widely depending on the religious tradition and the individual’s personal beliefs.

How do you truly repent?

Repentance is a deeply personal and spiritual process that varies among different religious and cultural contexts. While the specific steps and rituals may differ, here are some general principles that can guide you on the path to true repentance:

Acknowledge your wrongdoing: The first step in repentance is to recognize and admit that you have committed a wrong or a sin. This requires self-awareness and honesty about your actions.

Feel remorse and regret: True repentance involves genuine sorrow for your actions and the harm they may have caused to others or yourself. This feeling of remorse is an essential component of repentance.

Take responsibility: Accept responsibility for your actions and their consequences. Avoid making excuses or blaming others. Owning up to your mistakes is a crucial part of the repentance process.

Seek forgiveness: Depending on your beliefs, seek forgiveness from the divine, the person you have wronged, or both. If your actions have harmed others, approach them sincerely and ask for their forgiveness. Show empathy and understanding towards their feelings.

Make amends: Whenever possible, take steps to make things right. This may involve correcting the harm you’ve caused, whether it’s through restitution, apologies, or other means. Demonstrating your commitment to rectifying the situation is an important aspect of repentance.

Reflect and learn: Take time to reflect on your actions and the factors that led you to commit them. Consider what you can learn from the experience to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

Change your behavior: Repentance is not just about feeling sorry; it’s also about making a genuine effort to change. Commit to avoiding similar transgressions in the future and actively work on improving your character and actions.

Seek guidance and support: If you’re struggling with the process of repentance, consider seeking guidance from a trusted religious leader, therapist, or counselor. They can provide guidance, support, and a safe space for you to explore your feelings and actions.

Maintain faith and perseverance: Repentance can be a challenging and ongoing process. Stay committed to your spiritual or ethical principles and continue to seek forgiveness and self-improvement over time.

Forgive yourself: Remember that true repentance also involves forgiving yourself. Be patient and kind to yourself as you work through your mistakes and strive for personal growth.

It’s important to note that the specific steps and practices of repentance may differ widely across different religions and belief systems. What is most important is the sincerity and authenticity of your repentance and your commitment to making positive changes in your life.

What does repentance mean in Islam?

Repentance in Islam is known as “Tawbah” (توبة) in Arabic. It is a fundamental concept and a significant part of Islamic teachings. Repentance refers to the act of turning away from sins and seeking forgiveness from Allah (God) for one’s wrongdoings. It involves a sincere and heartfelt commitment to change one’s behavior, regretting past sins, and striving to lead a more righteous and virtuous life.

Key aspects of repentance in Islam include:

Sincere Regret: True repentance begins with a genuine feeling of remorse and regret for the sins committed. The individual must acknowledge their wrongdoing and feel sorrowful for it.

Abandoning Sin: Repentance requires a firm intention to abandon the sinful behavior immediately. It’s not enough to express remorse without a commitment to stop the sinful actions.

Seeking Forgiveness: Muslims are encouraged to turn to Allah and ask for His forgiveness through sincere supplication (dua) and seeking His mercy and pardon for their sins.

Restitution (if applicable): If the sin involves harming another person or violating their rights, Islam encourages the repentant person to make amends and seek forgiveness from the person they have wronged.

Persistence: Repentance is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. Muslims are encouraged to continuously seek forgiveness and strive to improve themselves throughout their lives.

Allah’s Mercy: Islam teaches that Allah is the Most Merciful and Most Forgiving. Muslims believe that if they sincerely repent, Allah will accept their repentance and forgive their sins.

The concept of repentance in Islam emphasizes personal accountability, spiritual growth, and the opportunity for redemption.

It is a means for Muslims to cleanse their souls, seek forgiveness, and strengthen their relationship with Allah. The Quran, which is the holy book of Islam, contains numerous verses that highlight the importance of repentance and Allah’s readiness to forgive those who turn to Him with sincerity.

Repentance meaning in urdu

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