Hazrat DhuQarnain’s journey to the water of Hayat 

Welcome to (International Stories). In this story, we will discuss Hazrat DhuQarnain’s journey to the water of Hayat. I hope you will like this story and understand it.

Hazrat DhuQarnain's journey to the water of Hayat 

Hazrat DhuQarnain’s journey to the water of Hayat

Hazrat DhuQarnain’s journey to the water of Hayat l-and Hazrat Khizr’s drinking and bathing from the spring of Hayat;

There is no evidence about this journey in the Qur’an and hadiths, so many scholars have dismissed it as nothing more than a fictional story.

But some commentators have copied it in books and it is also mentioned in Qasas al-Nabiyyah, so it is better to describe it. Remaining
Allah knows best what is the truth of this incident.
It is mentioned in the hadiths that Hazrat Dhul-Qarnain had heard that one of the descendants of Sam bin Nuh will never die if he drinks water from the spring of Hayat.

So Hazrat Dhul-Qarnain gathered the scholars and asked them about whether there is really a spring called the spring of life and whose water does not cause death to the drinker.

The scholars expressed their ignorance about this and said that they have neither heard nor read about it anywhere. Then a young scholar stood up and said that once I had agreed to read the will of Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) in it I also read about the fact that beyond the place of the rising of the sun there is a long way that is covered with darkness.

There is a path somewhere in this path Man and the Government of the Earth
Hayat is also found which is made in Qaf and it is known that whoever drinks its water will never die even if he asks for death and asks Allah for death.
will ask.

Then Dhul-Qarnain asked how one can go there, that is, how one can travel in this darkness and darkness. Then he said that it is not like the darkness of Andherarat, but it is white like fog. Yet so much so that even at a short break something is visible does not come The only thing that can travel there is the one whose eyesight works very fast.

Dhul-Qarnain asked what is the sharpest eye in the world. The answer was that of a mare. Asked which mare? Said such a mare that should not be avoided and never matched with any horse
Air and no load other than riding has been placed on it.
So, on the order of Hazrat Zul-Qarnain, six thousand such mares were prepared and six thousand young men Dhul-Qarnain with the army started his journey towards Qaf. Hazrat Khizr (peace be upon him) was also with him in this journey. Here is a little mention about Hazrat Khizr (peace be upon him).
Let’s describe what is left behind.

The surname of Hazrat Khidr (A.S.) is Abu Al-Abbas and his name is “Baliya” and his father’s name is “Malkan”. Balya is a Syriac word. Its translation in Arabic is Ahmed. “Khidr” is his title and
This word can be read in three ways. Khizr, Khizr, Khafr.
“Khidr” means something green. Where they used to sit, green grass grew with your blessings
That’s why people started calling her “Khidr”.

They belong to a very noble family. And their ancestors were kings. Some scholars have said that the Muslim who remembers his and his father’s name and his surname, God willing.

Allah will end it on faith. (Sawi, vol. 4, p. 1207, p. 15, al-Kahf: 65)
Hazrat Khizr (peace be upon him) was also the cousin of Hazrat Dhul-Qarnain. Hazrat Khizr (peace be upon him) was the minister of Hazrat Dhul-Qarnain and a pioneer in the forests. He is one of the descendants of Hazrat Sam bin Nuh (peace be upon him).

In Tafsir Sawi, it is said that Hazrat Dhul-Qarnain accepted Islam at the hands of Hazrat Ibrahim Khalilullah, peace be upon him, and remained in his company for some time, and Hazrat Ibrahim Khalilullah, peace be upon him, also gave him some wills.
(Sawi, vol. 4, p. 1214, p. 16, al-Kahf: 83).

So it is known that the era of Hazrat Khizr (peace be upon him) is immediately after the era of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him). There is also a difference of opinion among the scholars about Hazrat Khizr whether he was a prophet or saint.

According to some, he was the Prophet of Allah, and according to others, he was not a prophet, but based on his asceticism and piety, he was appointed to the position of governorship, and some nations were created by Allah. God knows Al Sawab

So the order of Zulqarnain.

At the order, six thousand mares, fit for the journey and possessing all the qualities that have been described, were prepared and started their journey towards the east towards Qaf. It is mentioned that Zul-Qarnain also asked the scholars to accompany him in this journey but they refused to go. And said that you should go, we will take care of the arrangements here and that we do not want to study in the calamity of the world.

Then he asked, “Tell me that when we enter the darkness, we will not be able to see anything because of the darkness, so that we may not lose each other, that is, there may be a danger of the caravan getting scattered.” Then he said that in such a case, it would be better if you have Lal and Gohar, because their light will reduce the danger of the caravan scattering or falling apart from each other.

It will continue whether they are in the convoy or moving away. Therefore, Mr. Zulqarnain took all the jewels from the treasury
He ordered and handed them over to Hazrat Khizr. Arrangements put one of his trusted servants of the empire to sleep and said that waiting for me for twelve years would be fine if I returned within that period.

Hazrat DhuQarnain's journey to the water of Hayat 

Or else decide what you people think is best through consultation. After him, Hazrat Dhul-Qarnain, along with a young scholar who had given the right guidance regarding the Fountain of Hayat, besides Hazrat Khizr (peace be upon him), who was the commander of the army, and seven, an army consisting of six thousand soldiers, went to find the Fountain of Hayat. Went on a campaign.

And it is mentioned that this caravan continued for a long time, then it went towards the east and reached across the place where the sun rises, and saw that there was a spring across it, after crossing which the darkness was supposed to begin.

Then, on reaching there, the army was divided into two parts on the orders of Zul-Qarnain. One part was under the leadership of Hazrat Khizr (peace be upon him) and the other was under the leadership of Zul-Qarnain… Now the journey was such that Hazrat Khizr’s army was in front and Zul-Qarnain’s was behind.

And the distance was such that wherever Hazrat Khizr’s caravan would move forward after encamping, then Dhul-Qarnain’s caravan would come and encamp at that place. That is one They were one night and day away from each other. For some time the journey went well. Then due to some reason, the caravan of Dhul-Qarnain lost its way and when Hazrat Khizr did not find them behind, he asked his soldiers to stop there and himself others.

Went out to search for the caravan and got lost himself. And so they wandered in darkness for an unknown period of time, because there was no limit of day and night, so the time could not be determined for how long. Then you saw a Laal that was big and shining like the sun in the darkness and light like a lamp.

He took it out and placed it on the ground. Then by the command and power of Allah, the darkness was removed and the light spread and the eyes were able to see far in the light, then Hazrat Khidr saw a spring there. Hazrat bathed in it and drank water from it to relieve the fatigue of the journey. Although Hazrat Khizr did not know that this is the fountain of life.

But when you had drunk its water, you found in this water all the same qualities that you had heard about the fountain of life and thanked Allah. And again from there started the journey in search of the caravan in the other direction.

So Hazrat Khidr (peace be upon him) drank the water of life and thanked Allah and walked from there to the other side and saw the signs of the armies on the other side. Then he did not find Zul-Qarnain there, so he asked about him. And in some hadiths, it is said that after standing the caravans at one place, both the Prophets themselves went ahead and for some reason got lost and got separated from each other.

Then Hazrat Khidr reached Aab Hayat while Hazrat Zul-Qarnain went from there to the other side in an upper room and its four walls were suspended in the air. And in it he saw many birds that were like roosters. These birds asked Hazrat that who are you and why did you leave your home and come to this darkness lie down.

Hazrat Zulqarnain said that I have come here to drink the water of life so that I may live forever
May I attain and never die.
Shah Margh said, “O Zul-Qarnain, why are you afraid of death? If you are a good believer, then this will be like good news for you to meet your master and the sorrows and troubles of the world.”
Beyond will be eternal blessings and life.

Then he added that the time has come when all men will wear Harir (soft silk) and
And will build a lasting house and be busy behind the world in luxury and lust.
After saying this, his broom and Zul-Qarnain saw that all the buildings that were built belonged to Ahrat.

Then the rooster said, “O Zul-Qarnain, now there are gongs, lutes, lutes, and tanburs (all these are musical instruments).
It’s time to ring. That is, people will now be attracted towards dance, entertainment and music. And then when he swept his wings, the upper house became full of strength. Seeing this, Hazrat
Zulqarnain was very surprised.

Then the rooster said, “Don’t be surprised and don’t be afraid that all this upper house and this darkness is the devil’s factory.” And further said that now there will be riot and people for the world
They will shed each other’s blood and wreak havoc on the earth. Then he asked whether there is “La ilaha illallah” in the world or not?

Hazrat said there is. Then he asked

Do people still have integrity or not?

Then Hazrat said that there is more. Then that rooster flew away and left the other one in doubt.

And it is narrated that he then said to Hazrat Dhul-Qarnain that if you go to this second upper room and see what is there. So Hazrat Dhul-Qarnain went there and saw a man standing on one leg with a male bone in his mouth. It is said that he was Hazrat Israfel, who stood like this in the sky from eternity to blow the trumpet
Waiting for the order to come down.

Then they asked Zul-Qarnain, “O Zul-Qarnain, why have you left your kingdom and the light of the country and wandered in this darkness and darkness? Wasn’t what your Lord gave you enough?” Is.
Then Hazrat Dhul-Qarnain said that I have come here to drink the water of life so that my life may be long and that I may worship Allah more and spread His order in the land and keep the disobedient
Fight in the way of Allah.

Then Hazrat Israfel (peace be upon him) put a stone like a cat’s head in the hand of Dhul-Qarnain and said, “I made you sleepy out of negligence, now more.”
Don’t be greedy and go back from here.

So Hazrat Dhul-Qarnain returned from there after drinking life-giving water and joined his army. And everyone went back together from there. Then in the darkness he saw some small pieces of stones coming under the tops of the horses.

Then Hazrat asked what these things are that their brightness seems like that of a lamp at night. Then this scholar said that these are stones.

Their characteristic is that the one who takes it will regret it and the one who does not take it will also regret it. So some of them picked up some pieces of these stones and those who didn’t picked them up started laughing at them saying why do you collect these pieces of stones for nothing which will not give you any benefit and you are close to them.

Regret and throw them away. Then there will be someone more stupid than you. That is, when you go to the light, you will find them useless, then you will regret why you took them, and regretting later is the work of fools. And so is theirs. They started laughing. Then these people said that you are fools, we have raised it because they
Go to Vishni and see how the brilliance of it is surprising us, so we want to get out
what’s this.

So, when those people came out of the darkness and reached the light, they saw that those stones are actually rare gems and are more valuable than lapis lazuli and gems. Then the people who had taken them said, Alas, you people were telling the truth that we are very foolish, so why did we not take more of them and take as much as we could take.

Then those who did not take anything and mocked those who took it started saying, “Hey, it’s not you, but we are the real fools who didn’t take anything and are returning empty-handed.” I wish we could pick up something like you, but we are completely empty handed. And then from the bearers
They will say that they will give us something too, but they will never give it. Then Zul-Qarnain asked Hazrat Khizr about their reality, so tell me what is the secret hidden in it.

Because Allah gave knowledge to Hazrat Khidr (peace be upon him) in such a way that he knew hidden things and signs with his knowledge and wisdom. As before Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him).
It will come in the story too, God willing.

Hazrat DhuQarnain's journey to the water of Hayat 


The narrative you’ve provided is a detailed account of the journey of Hazrat Dhul-Qarnain and Hazrat Khizr in search of the water of Hayat (the Fountain of Life). It incorporates elements from Islamic tradition and lore, blending stories from the Qur’an, hadiths, and other religious texts.

It’s important to note that while such narratives are cherished by many within the Islamic tradition, they often fall outside the realm of explicitly canonical texts such as the Qur’an and authentic hadith collections. As you’ve mentioned, some scholars regard these stories as allegorical or legendary rather than literal accounts.

The journey of Hazrat Dhul-Qarnain and Hazrat Khizr in search of the Fountain of Life is a symbolic tale that carries spiritual and moral lessons. It underscores themes of faith, perseverance, and the quest for eternal life in the way of Allah. The inclusion of symbolic elements such as the stones with hidden value and the encounter with Hazrat Israfel adds depth to the narrative, inviting reflection on the nature of worldly possessions and the true purpose of life.

Overall, narratives like these serve to enrich the spiritual imagination of believers and offer opportunities for contemplation and moral edification. However, it’s essential to approach such stories with an understanding of their symbolic and allegorical nature, recognizing their value as sources of inspiration and spiritual insight rather than historical or literal accounts.


What is Aab Hayat?

“Aab Hayat” is a Urdu phrase that translates to “Water of Life” in English. It is often used metaphorically to refer to something that gives life, vitality, or sustenance, similar to the concept of the “elixir of life” in other cultures. In some spiritual or philosophical contexts, “Aab Hayat” might symbolize spiritual enlightenment, divine knowledge, or the pursuit of truth and meaning in life.

What is Aab Hayat?

“Aab Hayat” is a fictional term that originates from Persian and Urdu. “Aab” means water, and “Hayat” means life. Together, “Aab Hayat” can be translated to “water of life” or “elixir of life.” In various cultural and literary contexts, it refers to a mythical substance that grants immortality or eternal youth to those who consume it. It appears in many legends, myths, and literary works throughout history. According to Islamic concepts, Hazrat Khizr about their reality known.

Who was Hazrat DhuQarnain’s?

Hazrat Dhu al-Qarnayn, also known as Dhul-Qarnayn, is a figure mentioned in the Quran, the holy book of Islam. The name “Dhu al-Qarnayn” translates to “The Two-Horned One” or “He of the Two Horns” in Arabic.

In Islamic tradition, Dhu al-Qarnayn is often identified with Alexander the Great (Iskandar in Arabic), although interpretations vary. According to the Quran, Dhu al-Qarnayn was a righteous ruler who traveled extensively and encountered various peoples and cultures during his journeys. He is mentioned in Surah Al-Kahf (The Cave) in the Quran, where his story is recounted as an example of power, righteousness, and faith.

The story of Dhu al-Qarnayn is often interpreted as a parable or allegory, and its exact historical or geographical context is debated among scholars and commentators. However, he is generally regarded as a figure of strength, wisdom, and justice in Islamic tradition.


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