The History of the Ottoman Empire of Sultan Suleiman-ul-Qanuni 1

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The History of the Ottoman Empire of Sultan Suleiman-ul-Qanuni 1

The History of the Ottoman Empire of Sultan Suleiman-ul-Qanuni 1

Sultan Suleiman-ul-Qanuni 1 the Ottoman Empire of was a beloved sultan. Once Turkey’s Sultan Suleiman-ul-Qanuni was told that ants had become too much in the roots of trees, the Sultan called the experts and asked what was the solution.
Experts said that if such oil was sprayed on the roots of the trees, the ants would die, but it was Sultan’s habit that before doing any work, the Shariah orders were known, so he himself went to the state Mufti Jin Sheikh. Islam said that he went home but the Sheikh was not at home, so he wrote a message in a verse and kept it for him:

If an ant is trampled on a tree, is it harmful to kill it?

“If an ant is trampled on a tree, is it harmful to kill it?”
Is there any harm in killing them if trees have ants? The Sheikh responded to the message by writing, “If the balance of justice is established, the ant will take the truth without any explanation,” when he arrived and saw it.
“If the scales of justice are established, the ants only take their right”, the Sheikh pointed out what is more important!
The Sultan of Austria set out on a jihadi journey with the intention of conquering Vienna but died on the way, so your body Khaki was brought back to Istanbul,

during your preparation and supplication, your will was found in which it was written that mine Bury the chest with me too, the scholars were surprised and thought that it would be full of diamonds and jewels and

such valuable things cannot be buried in the soil, so I decided to open the chest when the chest was opened, seeing this Person were surprised that it contained all the fatwas that the Sultan took steps after taking from the scholars and the purpose of burying together was to present proof to Allah that

I did not make any government decision against Islam but regular from the scholars After taking fatwa, Shaikh-ul-Islam Abu Saud, who was a state Mufti, started crying and said:
Sultan, you saved yourself, who will save us?

The History of the Ottoman Empire of Sultan Suleiman-ul-Qanuni 1


The shadow of Allah, who bestows thrones on earth onto rulers, is known as the Sultan of Sultans, the King of Kings, and the Sultan.

Suleiman I was the sole ruler of all lands from Anatolia to Bulgaria, and during his 46-year rule, he expanded the empire to its broadest extent ever, extending from the gates of Vienna to the Persian Gulf, earning him the European moniker “the Magnificent.” He also codified and standardised legal procedures throughout the empire.

It is why he is referred to by Turks as “the Lawgiver.” Suleiman changed the law and produced a single legal system that was in effect for more than three centuries. Shari’ah, or Sacred Islamic Law, was the name of the legal system that prevailed throughout the Ottoman Empire.

Islamic history includes a set of religious laws known as shari’ah, or Sacred Islamic Law.

It seems that you have provided a story about Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (Suleiman-ul-Qanuni), the famous Ottoman Empire ruler. While the story is interesting, it appears to be a combination of historical facts and anecdotes with some creative embellishments. I’ll summarize the key points from your narrative:

  1. Sultan Suleiman, a beloved Ottoman ruler, faced a problem with ants in the roots of trees.
  2. He sought a solution from experts who recommended spraying oil on the tree roots to kill the ants.
  3. However, before taking any action, Sultan Suleiman wanted to ensure it was in accordance with Islamic Shariah.
  4. He consulted the state Mufti, Jin Sheikh, but the Mufti was not at home, so Sultan left a message asking if it was permissible to kill ants in the trees.
  5. The Mufti responded with a message in verse, stating that ants only take their rightful share if the scales of justice are established.
  6. Sultan Suleiman embarked on a journey to conquer Vienna but died on the way. His body was brought back to Istanbul.
  7. When preparing his body for burial, a chest was discovered with a written will. Scholars assumed it contained valuable items but found it filled with the fatwas (Islamic legal opinions) that Sultan had sought from scholars.
  8. Shaikh-ul-Islam Abu Saud, the state Mufti, was deeply moved and indicated that the Sultan had always acted in accordance with Islamic guidance, saving himself while raising concerns about those left behind.

The story portrays Sultan Suleiman as a just and pious ruler who sought to uphold Islamic principles in his decision-making. It highlights his commitment to consulting religious scholars and seeking fatwas before making significant decisions. It also conveys a sense of responsibility and accountability in governance, as evidenced by the preservation of the fatwas as a testament to his adherence to Islamic principles. However, it’s essential to note that historical accuracy might be mixed with folklore or embellishment in such narratives.


Is The Magnificent century Based on a true story?

‘Turkish historical fiction television programme “Magnificent Century” It is based on the lives of Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, the longest-reigning Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and his wife Hürrem Sultan, a slave girl who rose to become the first Ottoman Haseki Sultan. It was written by Meral Okay and Ylmaz ahin.

Who was called Al Qanuni ‘?

The Ottoman Empire’s Suleiman was also known as Al Qanuni.
His native people referred to him as Kanuni, which means “lawgiver,” but the Europeans dubbed him the Magnificent. He saw himself as the second caliph of the Ottoman Islamic Caliphate.

Who was the best Ottoman sultan?

Sultan Suleiman I
Sultan Suleiman I (reigned 1520–66) rose to the throne in the year 500. Despite being the longest-reigning and probably best of all Ottoman sultans, his reign began under the shadow of his father, Selim “the Grim,” who had previously held the throne.

How many wives Sultan Suleiman had?

Wives and concubines

Suleiman had two recognized consorts, although while he was a shade, he had 17 ladies in his harem overall.

What illness did Sultan Suleiman have?

Death. Suleiman the Magnificent, who was 71 years old, led his army on one last campaign against the Hapsburgs in Hungary in 1566. On September 8, 1566, the Ottomans triumphed at the Battle of Szigetvar, although Suleiman had passed away the day before from a heart attack. Metabolic syndrome was the Sultans’ disease under the Ottoman monarchy.

The Sultan’s heart and internal organs were taken, interred beneath the royal tent next to the castle, and his body was embalmed in order to preserve it.

The body subsequently remained there for 48 days until Selim II, Suleiman’s son, arrived to take the throne and arrange for the remains to be transported back to Istanbul.Who was the most loved Sultan?

Many historians view Suleiman as the most successful sultan of the Ottoman Empire. During his reign, which lasted from 1520 to 1566, the kingdom underwent audacious military battles as well as advancements in the realms of law, literature, art, and architecture.

The History of the Ottoman Empire of Sultan Suleiman-ul-Qanuni 1

What was Ottoman Empire known for?

The Ottoman Empire, which existed from around 1299 to 1922, was known for several significant characteristics and accomplishments throughout its history. Some of the key aspects for which the Ottoman Empire is renowned include:

Vast Territorial Expansion:

The Ottoman Empire was one of the largest and longest-lasting empires in history. At its height, it spanned three continents: Europe, Asia, and Africa. It expanded through conquest and diplomacy, incorporating diverse regions and peoples.

Islamic Caliphate:

The Ottoman sultans held the title of Caliph, making them the spiritual leaders of Sunni Islam for several centuries. This gave the empire a significant role in the Muslim world.

Military Power:

The Ottomans had a formidable military machine, and their army was known for its effectiveness in siege warfare. The Janissaries, an elite corps of infantry, were particularly renowned.

Administrative and Legal Systems:

The Ottomans developed a sophisticated administrative system, with a complex hierarchy of officials and provinces. Their legal system, known as the “millet” system, allowed various religious and ethnic communities to have a degree of self-governance.

Cultural and Artistic Achievements:

The Ottoman Empire made notable contributions to art, architecture, and literature. Notably, the Ottoman architecture, exemplified by the construction of the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, is famous for its intricate design and use of domes and minarets.

Trade and Commerce:

The Ottomans were a key player in the transcontinental trade network, facilitating the exchange of goods and ideas between Europe, Asia, and Africa. They controlled vital trade routes, including those connecting Europe with the Middle East and Asia.

Tulip Period:

In the 18th century, there was a period known as the “Tulip Era” in the Ottoman Empire, characterized by increased cultural and artistic activities, including the cultivation and appreciation of tulips.

Decline and Dissolution:

The Ottoman Empire began to decline in the late 17th century and faced challenges from European powers. It eventually collapsed after World War I, leading to the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923 under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.


The Ottoman Empire has had a lasting impact on the regions it once ruled, influencing the culture, architecture, and political institutions of modern-day Turkey and many other countries in the Middle East and Balkans.

It’s important to note that the Ottoman Empire had a complex and multifaceted history, and its legacy is a topic of continued study and debate among historians.

Who destroyed Ottoman Empire?

The Ottoman Empire was primarily dismantled and eventually dissolved as a result of its defeat in World War I (1914-1918). The empire, which had been in decline for several centuries prior to World War I, sided with the Central Powers (including Germany and Austria-Hungary) during the conflict.

The Empire faced significant military defeats, including the Battle of Gallipoli and the Arab Revolt, and its territories were gradually occupied and partitioned by the Allied Powers, particularly the British and French. The end of World War I brought the occupation of Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) by Allied forces, and in 1920, the Turkish War of Independence, led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, began. This war ultimately resulted in the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923.

So, while the Ottoman Empire’s decline had been ongoing for centuries, its ultimate dissolution was accelerated and sealed by its defeat in World War I and the subsequent actions of the Allied Powers and Turkish nationalists led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

Who defeated the Ottomans?

The Ottoman Empire was defeated by a combination of factors and various opponents during its decline in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Ottomans were a major power in the world for several centuries, but they faced significant challenges that ultimately led to their downfall. Some of the key events and opponents that played a role in the defeat of the Ottomans include:

Military Defeats: The Ottomans suffered significant military defeats in the late 17th and 18th centuries, particularly in wars with European powers, such as the Habsburg Monarchy, Russia, and Persia.

World War I: The Ottoman Empire was one of the Central Powers during World War I, and it was defeated by the Allied Powers, including the British Empire, France, and Russia. The Ottoman Empire’s defeat in World War I played a crucial role in its ultimate dissolution.

The Balkan Wars: The Ottoman Empire also suffered a series of defeats in the Balkan Wars (1912-1913), leading to the loss of most of its European territories.

Nationalist Movements: Nationalist movements within the empire’s diverse populations sought greater autonomy and independence. Notable examples include the Greek War of Independence and the Balkan states’ struggle for independence.

Armenian Genocide: The Armenian Genocide, which occurred during World War I, resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Armenians and had a significant impact on the Ottoman Empire’s reputation and internal stability.

Arab Revolt: The Arab Revolt during World War I, led by figures like T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), contributed to the Ottoman Empire’s defeat and the subsequent dismantling of its empire in the Arab world.

Treaty of Sèvres: After World War I, the Ottoman Empire signed the Treaty of Sèvres in 1920, which imposed significant territorial losses and restrictions on the empire. However, this treaty was never fully implemented due to the Turkish War of Independence led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

Turkish War of Independence: The Turkish War of Independence (1919-1923) led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk resulted in the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, effectively ending the Ottoman Empire and establishing a new, modern Turkish state.

So, the Ottomans were defeated by a combination of military conflicts, nationalist movements, and international events, culminating in the empire’s dissolution and the establishment of modern Turkey.

How long did the Ottoman Empire last?

The Ottoman Empire lasted for approximately 600 years. It was founded around the year 1299 by Osman I, and it officially came to an end in 1922 with the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. The empire reached its zenith of power and territorial extent during the 16th and 17th centuries, under the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. Over the centuries, the empire underwent various periods of expansion, consolidation, and decline, and it played a significant role in the history of Europe, Asia, and Africa during its long existence.

The History of the Ottoman Empire of Sultan Suleiman-ul-Qanuni 1

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