How many husband marriage in islam?

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How many husband marriage in islam?

In Islam, a Muslim man is allowed to have up to four wives simultaneously under certain conditions and guidelines. This practice is known as polygamy. However, there are strict requirements and conditions that must be met for a Muslim man to marry more than one wife:

Justice and Equality: The Quran stipulates that a man must treat all of his wives with justice and equality in terms of time, financial support, and emotional well-being. If a man cannot maintain equality among his wives, he is advised to marry only one.

Permission and Consent: A man must seek the permission and consent of his current wife or wives before marrying additional wives. The Quran states that a man should only marry multiple wives if he fears that he cannot do justice to orphans, and if he believes that marrying more than one wife is in the best interests of all parties involved.

Financial Responsibility: A man is required to provide financially for all of his wives and their children. Each wife is entitled to her own separate dwelling, and the husband must provide for her needs.

Emotional and Marital Responsibility: A man must also be emotionally responsible, ensuring that he maintains a loving and respectful relationship with each of his wives.

It’s important to note that while Islam permits polygamy, it is not a requirement, and many Muslim men choose to marry only one wife. The decision to practice polygamy should be made with careful consideration of the religious and ethical principles involved and in consultation with all parties affected.

.Islamic practices and interpretations may evolve over time, and it’s always advisable to consult with a knowledgeable religious scholar or authority for specific guidance on this issue.

Someone asked me to name a companion who has only been married once in his life?

 After much searching, no brainer was found. I was forced to turn to the books of the Companions. 

But even there, the process of turning the pages became longer, but the name of not a single Companion came to light, who lived a long life after the Holy Prophet (sws) and was content with one marriage.

However, the names of many of the Companions of Mustafa صلى الله عليه وسلم were mentioned, who got married for the first time and after some time were martyred in the way of God or they drank the cup of martyrdom before marriage.

Then after a long search, “Among the Companions of Rizwanullah (peace be upon him) who lived a long life, only one person was found, whose historians have agreed to have only one wife, and he is Hazrat Abu Dharr Ghaffari (may Allah be pleased with him).

(Name: Jundab bin Janada)

who had no wife except Hazrat Umm Dharr until his death.

His doctrine was different from that of the majority of the Companions and was based on poverty and asceticism and abandonment of the world.

However, some historians have written about Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masood (RA) that he did not marry any woman except. Hazrat Zainab (RA).(Beginning and end. Usad al-Ghaba fi Ma’rifat al-Sahaba)Apart from these two gentlemen, if you know the name of any other such Companion, please let me know. جزاکم اللہ .
Even today, in the Arab world, contentment with one wife is viewed with astonishment. Two or three marriages are still part of the routine there.
Probably among the Muslims of the subcontinent, the idea of ​​considering more than one wife as defective has come from Hindu culture.

In the service of one wife; This is not a joke, it is a very deep truth.

Ibn Ibad says that I have met many people who shape people’s living conditions .So when a man died, he would write, “So-and-so died, and so-and-so was under him, that is, his wives.”

 [Matt and so on and so forth].

But when he wrote about the situation of a person who had only one wife, he would write that such and such a person died and there was such and such on top of him ie wife

[Matt and Turk left so-and-so].

The gist of this statement is that the society in which a wife becomes common is a society of women, not of men, both made and run.
 Ibn Sina says that he who has only one wife, grows old in his youth. She suffers from bone, back, neck and joint pain. His frustration increases, his workload decreases, his laughter fades and he becomes a hotbed of grievances and complaints, that is, he will always be seen complaining.
Qazi Abu Masood says that it is not permissible for a man who has a wife to make decisions among the people, that is, it is not right for him to be a judge [that he will always be in a state of anger and it is not permissible to make decisions in anger].
Ibn Khaldun says that when I pondered over the destruction of previous nations, I saw that they were content with one wife. Ibn Maysar says that the worship of a person whose wife is one cannot be good.
The Abbasid Caliph Mamun al-Rashid was told that there are some people in Basra who have only one wife. So Mamun al-Rashid said that they are not men. Men are the ones who have wives. And they are going against both nature and Sunnah. Ibn Yunus was asked why Jews and Christians stopped having more than one wife.

He replied, “Because Allah Almighty wanted humiliation and tranquility to be their destiny.”

Abu Maroof Karkhi was asked what is your opinion about those who consider themselves Zahid but are convinced to have a wife. He said that he was not a Zahid but a madman. They could not reach the asceticism of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman and Ali.
Ibn Fayyaz was asked about people who have only one wife. So they said they were dead, just eating and drinking and breathing. Wali Karak Ibn Ishaq distributed wealth throughout the city but did not give anything to one wife. When asked the reason, he said that Allah Almighty forbade giving money to the immature [that is, they waste it].
Commenting on those who have a wife, Ibn Ata Allah said, “How can we consider those who have abandoned the Sunnah of their elders, that is, the Sunnah of the Companions, as great?” He started with two and said, “Marry two, two, three, three and four.” And gave permission to one who is in fear.
When Taqi-ud-Din Mazni became the jurist of Samarkand, he was informed that some people here are convinced of one wife. So they said are they Muslims?
Then he preached to the people of the city. Before the next moon, three thousand marriages took place and there were no virgins, divorced and widowed in the city.

In Islam, marriage is considered a sacred and important institution, and there are certain conditions and requirements that must be met for a marriage to be considered valid. These conditions are designed to ensure that the marriage is conducted in accordance with Islamic principles and that the rights and responsibilities of both parties are protected. Here are four key conditions of marriage in Islam:

Consent of Both Parties (Ijab and Qabul):

Both the bride and groom must willingly and enthusiastically consent to the marriage. This consent is typically expressed through a formal proposal (Ijab) from one party and an acceptance (Qabul) from the other. This consent is a fundamental requirement for a valid Islamic marriage.

Mahr (Dower):

The groom is required to provide a gift or payment to the bride as a symbol of his commitment and financial responsibility. This gift is known as the Mahr or dower, and it is a mandatory component of an Islamic marriage contract. The amount and nature of the Mahr are agreed upon by both parties during the marriage contract negotiations.


Islamic marriage requires the presence of witnesses who can testify to the validity of the marriage contract. Typically, two Muslim adult witnesses, who are of sound mind and good character, are required to be present during the marriage ceremony. They are there to witness the consent of both parties and the terms of the marriage contract.

Wali (Guardian) for the Bride:

In most Islamic traditions, the bride’s guardian or Wali is responsible for representing her interests and ensuring that the marriage contract is fair and in her best interest. The Wali is often a father, brother, or other close male relative. The Wali’s consent is also necessary for the marriage to be valid in many Islamic traditions.

It’s important to note that there may be variations in these conditions based on cultural and regional practices within the Muslim world. However, these core conditions reflect the basic requirements for a valid Islamic marriage in accordance with Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). Additionally, it’s crucial to follow the specific legal and cultural practices of the region and community where the marriage is taking place, as they may have additional requirements or variations.

How many husband marriage in islam?


A marriage, also known as a marriage ceremony or wedding, marks the formal union between two individuals. It is a significant and culturally diverse event celebrated worldwide. Here are some key points that can be considered when discussing the conclusion of a marriage:

Legal Commitment: In most societies, a marriage is a legally binding contract between two people. This legal aspect ensures that both individuals have certain rights and responsibilities within the marriage, including inheritance rights, tax benefits, and the ability to make medical decisions for each other.

Cultural and Religious Significance: Marriage ceremonies often carry deep cultural and religious significance. The rituals, customs, and traditions involved can vary greatly from one culture or religion to another. These ceremonies often serve as a way to unite families and communities.

Celebration of Love: Beyond the legal and cultural aspects, a marriage ceremony is a celebration of love and commitment between two people. It is a public declaration of their intentions to build a life together, share joys and challenges, and support each other through thick and thin.

Symbolism: Marriage ceremonies often involve symbolic elements, such as the exchange of rings, vows, or other meaningful tokens. These symbols represent the couple’s commitment and love for each other.

Social Gathering: Weddings are also a time for friends and family to come together and celebrate. They offer an opportunity for loved ones to share in the joy of the couple and offer their support and well-wishes.

Personalization: Modern weddings often reflect the personal tastes and preferences of the couple. They may choose to have a traditional wedding, a destination wedding, or a simple courthouse ceremony, depending on their values and desires.

Continuation of Tradition: For many, getting married is a continuation of a long-standing cultural or family tradition. It can carry on customs that have been passed down through generations.

Beginning of a New Journey: Marriage marks the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of the couple. It signifies a shared journey in which they will face life’s challenges and celebrate its joys together.

Legal Requirements: It’s important to note that the legal requirements for marriage vary by country and jurisdiction. These may include obtaining a marriage license, having witnesses present, and following specific procedures.

In conclusion, the conclusion of a marriage is a multifaceted event that encompasses legal, cultural, emotional, and social dimensions. It signifies a profound commitment between two people and is celebrated in various ways around the world, reflecting the diversity of human culture and tradition.

How many husband marriage in islam?


What is the full meaning of married?

The word “married” is not an acronym or initialism, “married” is an adjective that describes the marital status of a person who has legally entered into a marriage. When someone is married, it means they have entered into a formal union or partnership with another person, typically recognized by the government and/or a religious institution, which involves certain legal and social obligations and rights. In most cultures, marriage signifies a committed and often romantic relationship between two people.

What is the literal meaning of married to?

The literal meaning of “married to” is to be legally and formally joined in marriage with another person. It refers to the state of being married to someone, typically in a legally recognized and binding union, such as a marriage between two people. In a broader sense, it can also be used metaphorically to describe a strong or close connection between two things, but its primary and most common use is related to the institution of marriage.

What is another word for married?

There are several synonyms for the word “married,” including:











These words can be used interchangeably to refer to the state of being married or in a marriage relationship.

What is the difference between Mary and marriage?

Mary and marriage are two different concepts with distinct meanings:


Mary is a proper noun and a common given name for females. It is a personal name that individuals use to identify a specific person. Mary can refer to any woman with that name.

Mary can also be used in a religious context, where it is often associated with Mary, the mother of Jesus, in Christianity. In this context, “Mary” is a specific historical and religious figure.


Marriage is a social and legal institution that involves a formal union between two people, typically a man and a woman, though it can also be between two individuals of the same gender in many modern societies.

Marriage is a legally recognized partnership that usually entails certain legal rights and responsibilities, such as property sharing, inheritance rights, and decision-making authority.

Marriage can also have cultural, religious, and emotional significance, as it often represents a commitment to love, support, and share life together with a partner. Different cultures and religions may have their own customs and rituals associated with marriage.

In summary, Mary is a personal name or a reference to a specific historical and religious figure, while marriage is a formal institution and partnership between two individuals, often with legal, cultural, and emotional implications. The two concepts are not related in terms of meaning or purpose.

How many husband marriage in islam?

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