That one day you too will be free from all sorrows Amazing story

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That one day you too will be free from all sorrows Amazing story

That one day you too will be free from all sorrows Amazing story

A man bought a beautiful bird in the time of Hazrat-e-Sulaiman. When he chirping, he was very pleased with his pleasant voice. As if the bird’s voice was very melodious and lovely.
One day suddenly another similar bird came near this cage and spoke in its tongue and left. The bird in the cage became completely silent as if it was a dumb bird. Its owner waited for two to three days but the bird was completely silent.

That person brought this bird with a cage to Hazrat Suleiman’s court and complained that he had bought a very expensive bird, his voice pleased me but now I don’t know what happened that he doesn’t speak! Prophet Solomon (who knew the dialects of animals, birds, birds, and all) asked this bird, what is the reason for you to be silent?
That bird said, O the Prophet of Allah! This person thinks I chirp happily but the fact is I cry when I see other free birds that I wish I was free too but he doesn’t understand my language so he thinks as if I am very happy and Been buzzing.

Then one day one of my homosexuals came to me and said this person doesn’t understand your language but understands you screaming joy joy with a very melodious voice and happy. If you want to be free from his captivity stop crying, speaking and shouting Forget that your words don’t affect him because he can’t understand your pain.

Then what was it, I’ve been silent and patient ever since.
Prophet Suleiman (AS) said to the man to open the cage and set him free because he will never speak in the cage. The man said if he remains silent now, what will I do by keeping him for no reason. So he He opened the cage following the orders of Solomon. The bird immediately flew and sat on the tree branch and saw the person, he flew away and screamed something.

This person asked Hazrat Suleiman (AS) that what has bird said? Hazrat Suleiman (AS) say, The bird said that if you also want to be free from your sorrows and miseries, be silent and be patient, do not complain to anyone, so that one day you too will be free from all sorrows.


This story beautifully illustrates the power of patience, silence, and resilience in the face of adversity. The bird, initially misunderstood, teaches us that sometimes, silence can speak louder than words. Through its experience, we learn that not every cry for help is heard by others, and seeking freedom from pain requires inner strength and endurance.

The advice given by Hazrat Sulaiman, conveyed through the bird, is profound: if we wish to be free from sorrow, we must learn to accept our circumstances with patience and refrain from constantly expressing our complaints. Over time, we will find freedom and peace from our miseries.

True freedom often lies in our inner state of patience and acceptance, rather than in external circumstances. By learning to be silent in the face of sorrow and enduring with patience, we allow time to heal our wounds, eventually finding peace and liberation from suffering.

That one day you too will be free from all sorrows Amazing story


What does my sorrows mean?

“My sorrows” refers to the personal feelings of deep sadness, grief, or regret that someone is experiencing. It’s a way of expressing the emotional weight someone is carrying due to difficult circumstances.

What is the meaning of the word sorrow?

“Sorrow” means a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune. It is a profound sense of sadness or grief.

What does full of sorrows mean?

“Full of sorrows” means that a person is experiencing a great deal of sadness or suffering. It suggests a life or situation that is heavily burdened with emotional pain.

Why did the bird initially chirp in its cage?

The bird chirped because it was expressing its inner sorrow, longing for freedom. The owner misunderstood its melodious voice as a sign of happiness, when in fact, the bird was crying due to its captivity.

What lesson do we learn from the bird’s silence after meeting another bird?

The bird learned that its sorrowful cries were misunderstood as joy, and that no matter how beautifully it expressed its pain, the owner would not understand. So, it chose silence and patience, realizing that this was the only way to find inner peace.

Why did Prophet Suleiman (AS) ask the owner to set the bird free?

Prophet Suleiman (AS), who understood the bird’s language, knew that the bird’s silence was not because it had lost its beautiful voice, but because it was deeply unhappy in captivity. He asked the owner to set it free so the bird could regain its happiness and voice in freedom.

What moral lesson does the bird’s final message to the owner convey?

The bird’s message is that sometimes, in life, when we face sorrow or captivity (whether physical or emotional), the path to freedom lies in patience and silence. By not constantly expressing our pain or complaints, we may find a way to peace and eventual release from our hardships.

How can this story relate to human life and struggles?

The story teaches us that in life, we may feel trapped by difficulties or emotional burdens. Like the bird, expressing our suffering may not always be understood by others. Silence and patience can sometimes be the best approach to find inner peace and to eventually overcome our challenges.

Why didn’t the owner understand the bird’s sadness?

The owner did not understand the bird’s sadness because he could not comprehend its language. He assumed the bird was happy based on its melodious chirping, which shows that outward appearances and expressions can sometimes be misleading.

How can we apply the lesson of the bird to our own lives?

We can apply this lesson by recognizing that sometimes, we need to be patient and silently endure hardships without constantly complaining. By doing so, we may find the strength to rise above our struggles and ultimately be “freed” from them.

What does the bird’s freedom symbolize in the story?

The bird’s freedom symbolizes liberation from sorrow and captivity. It teaches that true happiness comes from being free, not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually. It also signifies the power of patience and silence in achieving freedom from our troubles.

This story reminds us that patience and inner strength can help us overcome sorrows, just as the bird found its freedom by choosing silence over cries that went unheard.

What does sorrow over mean?

“Sorrow over” means to feel grief or sadness about something, often related to a specific loss or regret. For example, to sorrow over the death of a loved one or a missed opportunity.

That one day you too will be free from all sorrows Amazing story


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